Fram PH3593A Oil Filter

Fram Filter

Fram PH3593A cross reference part number chart

AC-Delco Pf1127
AC-Delco Pf1222
AC-Delco Pf1230
AC-Delco Pf1793
AC-Delco Pf2057
AC-Delco Pf2192
AC-Delco Pf57
AC-Delco Upf1127
Advance Machine 497669
Alliance Abp/n10g-lf3462
Amsoil Asf20
Amsoil Asf36
Amsoil Eao13
Amsoil Eao20
Amsoil Eao21
Aqua Power 6033
Aqua Power 6034
Atlas M-35
Atlas M-36
Atlas M-49
Atlas M-67
Atlas M-68
Autoedge Al3593a
Autolite Al3593a
Autopar Fe146
Autopar Fe229
Autopar Fe317
Autopro 2334
Autopro 2381
Baldwin B1401
Baldwin B1421
Baldwin B1425
Baldwin B1431
Baldwin B1444
Baldwin B179
Baldwin B227
Baldwin B301
Baldwin B421
Baldwin B488
Baldwin B608
Beck/Arnley 041-0706
Beck/Arnley 041-0734
Beck/Arnley 041-0749
Beck/Arnley 041-0760
Beck/Arnley 041-0768
Beck/Arnley 041-0778
Beck/Arnley 041-8055
Beck/Arnley 041-8073
Beck/Arnley 041-8074
Beck/Arnley 041-8075
Beck/Arnley 041-8076
Beck/Arnley 041-8134
Beck/Arnley 041-8151
Beck/Arnley 041-8163
Big A 2200
Big A 92064
Big A 92334
Big A 92338
Big A 92344
Big A 92357
Big A 92381
Bolens 1874139
Bolens 1874196
Bosch 3310
Bosch 451103275
Bosch 72135
Bosch 72160
Bosch 72164
Bosch 72168
Bosch 72181
Bosch 986452036
Bosch 986452059
Bosch Premium Oil Filters 3310
Bosch Premium Oil Filters 3312
Bravo B321
Bravo B4459
Bravo Bf321
Cam2 C321
Cam2 C4459
Cam2 C4460
Cam2 C4620
Canadian Tire 17-1706-8
Canadian Tire 17-1715-6
Canadian Tire 17-1723-6
Canadian Tire 17-1893-0
Carcare Iof3593
Carcare Iof3807a
Carcare Of3870a
Carquest 85064
Carquest 85287
Carquest 85334
Carquest 85338
Carquest 85344
Carquest 85356
Carquest 85357
Carquest 85568
Carquest B4458
Carquest B4459
Case N13844
Casite Cf236
Casite Cf240
Casite Cf3593
Casite Cf3807
Casite Cf3807a
Casite Cf402
Castrol Cas3593a
Cenex Co2805
Cenex Co2808
Cenex Co2869
Cenex Co2903
Champ Ph2808
Champion Of20
Chrysler 4186267
Chrysler K9665400
Chrysler Md017440
Chrysler Md097003
Chrysler Md135737
Chrysler Md136790
Chrysler Md352626
Citgo C4459
Club Car 102703301
Defense Dl3593a
Delphi Fx1000
Delphi Fx1001
Delphi Fx1003
Delphi Fx1007
Delphi Fx1012
Denso 150-1006
Deutsch D335
Deutsch D362
Deutsch D370
Deutsch D373
Distance Plus Oil Filters D3312
Donaldson P502049
Donaldson P502051
Donaldson P502057
Donaldson P550162
Donaldson P550173
Donaldson P550726
Donaldson P550776
Donaldson P555522
Doubleguard Fdg3593a
Drive Works Dw-4460
Econo Lube L14459
Econo Lube L14460
Evergard E2808
Evergard E2869
Evergard E2903
Excel Industries 42424
Filters Incorporated Of3807a
Firestone Tf-4459
Firestone Tf-4460
Firestone Tf2808
Firestone Tf4460
Flag C-3562
Flag C-3593
Flag C-4459
Flag C-4620
Flag C-6811
Fleetguard Lf16157
Fleetguard Lf3462
Fleetguard Lf3536
Fleetguard Lf3537
Fleetguard Lf3591
Fleetguard Lf3649
Fleetguard Lf3707
Fleetguard Lf3996
Fleetrite Lfr-83361
Fleetrite Lfr-83403
Fleetrite Lfr-83462
Flying F Ph3593a
Ford E7gz-6731-a
Ford E92z-6731-a
Fram High Mileage Oil Filters Hm3593a
Fram High Performance Hp15
Fram Pro Series Fp3593a
Framcore Cor3593atle
Frampro Ph3593apro
Fram Tough Guard TG3593A
FVP R1334a
FVP R1334b
FVP R7046
Generac 52241
General Motors 12337532
General Motors 25012566
General Motors 25013451
General Motors 93156093
General Motors 94149418
Goodyear L3593
Goodyear L4458
Goodyear L4459
Grand Prix Ph2700
Grand Prix Ph2805
Grand Prix Ph2808
Grand Prix Ph2867
Grand Prix Ph2868
Grand Prix Ph2869
Grand Prix Ph2903
Grease Monkey Gm14459
Grease Monkey Gm3593
Grease Monkey Gm4458
Grease Monkey Gm4459
Group 7 V4460
Hastings B227
Hastings B488
Hastings Lf146
Hastings Lf146f
Hastings Lf236
Hastings Lf236f
Hastings Lf239
Hastings Lf240
Hastings Lf240f
Hastings Lf402
Hastings Lf402f
Hastings Lf461
Hastings Lf461f
Hastings Lf484
Hastings Lf484f
Hastings Lf491
Hastings Lf491f
Hastings Lf523
Hastings Lf523f
Hastings Lf542
Hastings Lf543
Hastings Lf671
Havoline Tfc-520
Havoline Tfc-534
Honda 15400-p0h-305
Honda 15400-p0h-305pe
Honda 15400-pc6-003
Honda 15400-pc6-004
Honda 15400-ph1-003
Honda 15400-ph1-004
Honda 15400-ph1-014
Honda 15400-pk1-003
Honda 15400-plm-a01pe
Honda 15400-poh-305
Honda 15400-poh-305pe
Honda 15400-pr3-004
Honda 15400-pr3-014
Honda 15400-pr3-406
Honda 15400-pt7-005
Honda 15400-pt7-006
Honda 15400-zji-004
Honda 15410-zja-99ah
Honda 8-94456-741-1
Honda 8-94456-741-2
Hyundai 26300-35004
Hyundai 26300-35014
Hyundai 26300-35054
Hyundai 26300-35056
Hyundai 26300-35502
Hyundai 26300-35a00
Iapco A-0226-006
Iapco A-0226-007
Iapco A-0227-004
Iapco A-0238-004
Iapco A-0238-008
Iapco A-0258-002
Iapco Of11
Iapco Of12
Iapco Of15
Iapco Of21
Iapco Of33
Iapco Of34
Iapco Of6
Iapco Of61
Iapco Of85
IHC-Navistar 1273069c1
IHC-Navistar 1275229c1
IHC-Navistar 1275229c2
IHC-Navistar 1959198c1
Ingersoll-Rand 22226351
Installer Edge Al3593a
International Parts Services 4-1083
International Parts Services 4-1110
IPD 10026
IPD 10070
IPD 10092
IPD 10220
Isuzu 5-86202-198-0
Isuzu 8-93156-750-0
Isuzu 8-94149-418-0
Isuzu 8-94430-411-0
Isuzu 8-94430-411-1
Isuzu 8-94430-411-2
Isuzu 8-94456-741-1
Isuzu 8-94456-741-2
Isuzu 8-94456741-1
Isuzu 8-94456741-2
Isuzu 8-97140-666-0
Isuzu 8-97140666-0
ITM 11-10907
ITM 11-11107
ITM 11-11109
ITM 111-0010
ITM 111-0104
ITM 111-0907
ITM 111-1103
ITM 111-1107
ITM 111-1905
Jacobsen 554011
Jiffy Lube Hl3593a
Jiffy Lube Jl321
Jiffy Lube Jl4458
Jiffy Lube Jl4459
Jiffy Lube Jl4460
Jiffy Lube Jl4620
Jiffy Lube L14459
Jiffy Lube L14460
Jiffy Lube L14620
John Deere Am101378
John Deere At192163
John Deere M801209
John Deere Ty22045
K&N Hp-1004
K&N Ps-1004
K-Mart K-40
K-Mart Mp-45
K-Mart Mp-46
Kendall K26
Kendall K34
Kioti E520532091
Komatsu YM119660-35150
Komatsu YM129150-35150
Komatsu YM129150-35151
Komatsu YM129150-35152
Komatsu YM129150-35153
Kralinator L165a
Kubota 15241-32090
Kubota 15241-32092
Kubota 15241-32093
Kubota 15241-32099
Kubota 15841-32430
Kubota 15841-32439
Kubota 16271-32090
Kubota 30401-37580
Kubota 70000-15241
Kubota 70000-32050
Kubota 70000-74034
Kubota Hh150-32094
Lazorlite L11-1147
Lazorlite L11-1325
Lazorlite L11-1333
Lazorlite L11-1392
Lazorlite L11-1406
Lazorlite L11-1490
Lee Lf-2802hp
Lee Lf-2805
Lee Lf-2805hp
Lee Lf-2808
Lee Lf-2808hp
Lee Lf-2903
Luber-Finer Ph2808
Lucas Girling F6570
Lucas Girling F6591
Lucas Girling F6594
Lucas Girling F6595
Lucas Girling F6600
Lucas Girling F6614
Lucas Girling F6616
Mann W6multi20
Mann Filter Ml1002
Mann Filter W610/82
Mann Filter W814/80
Master Parts Ph-2700
Master Parts Ph-2802
Master Parts Ph-2805
Mazda 0000-23-0370
Mazda 0324-14-300
Mazda 0370-23-802
Mazda 1456-23-802a
Mazda 8173-23-802
Mazda B6y0-14-300
Mazda B6y0-14-302
Mazda F802-23-802
Mazda Feyo-14-302
Mazda Jey0-14-302
Mazda N231-23-802
Mazda Rfy2-14-302
Mechanics Circle Mof3593a
Melroe 3974113b
Microgard Mgl9688
Mighty M4455
Mighty M4459
Mighty Ph2903
Mileguard Mo3593a
Mileguard Mo9688
Minit Lube Ph2802
Mitsubishi 26300-35026
Mitsubishi Aw343979
Mitsubishi K9665400
Mitsubishi Md017440
Mitsubishi Md097003
Mitsubishi Md136790
Mitsubishi Md352626
Mitsubishi Mm409365
Mobil Mo4459
Mobil Mo4460
Mobil 1 M1-104
Mobil 1 M1-104a
Mobil 1 M1-108
Mobil 1 M1-108a
Mobil 1 M1mc-134
Mopar Fe00229
Motomaster Mph3593a
Motorcraft Fl1998
Motorcraft Fl799
Motorcraft Fl803
Motorcraft Fl810
Motorcraft Fl814
MPA 2110
MPA 2111
MPA 2510
MPA 2513
MPA 2815
Napa 1064
Napa 1334
Napa 1338
Napa 1344
Napa 1381
Nissan 430-01000
OE+ Of-254
OE+ Of-262
OE+ Of-450
OE+ Of-452
OE+ Of-850
OE+ Of-858
Onan 122-0833
Onan 185-2123
Onan 185-5409
Owatonna 425-32529
Owatonna 425-34635
Parts Master 61334
Parts Plus Ph2808
Parts Plus Ph2869
Parts Plus Ph2903
Pennzoil Pz-33
Pentius Plb3593a
Performax Po-33
Phillips 66 P17
Phillips 66 Po4459
Pit Stop Psl26
Power Flo Sl10193
Power Flo Sl14459
Precision Tune Of-4458
Precision Tune Of-4459
Premium Guard Pg4459
Premium Guard Pg4460
Pro-Tec 152
Pro/Gauge Pgo-4459
Promotive Ph4612
Promotive Sl14610
Pronto Po-3593
Pronto Po-4459
Pureone Purolator Pl14460
Pureone Purolator Pl24458
Purolator L14459
Purolator L14460
Purolator L14620
Purolator L24458
Purolator P1290
Purolator Pl14460
Purolator Psl14459
Purolatorboss Pbl14460
Quaker State Qs14460
Quaker State Qs14461
Quaker State Qs3593a
Rockhill 61334
Rockhill 61381
Satoh Kk-96-6540-000
Satoh Kk-96-65460-000
Security Ph2903
Security So2808
Security So2867
Security So2868
Security So2869
Select 500 L1334
Service 1 Of4459
Service Pro M4619
Shell Sh520
Shell Sh521
Sieg Os3593a
Sieg Os3807a
Sierra 18-7885
Sierra 18-7909
Sierra 18-7910
Silverline 21334
Silverline 21381
STP S2808
STP S2869
STP S2903
Subaru 15208-aa020
Subaru 15208-aa021
Subaru 15208-aa022
Subaru 15208-aa023
Subaru 15208-aa024
Subaru 15208-aa030
Subaru 15208-aa031
Subaru 15208-aa060
Subaru 42033-5500
Subaru Sc153001
Subaru Soa51-65109
Sunoco O-23
Sunoco O-32
Sunoco O-33
Supertech St3593a
Target Comp Sf2802
Target Comp Sf2805
Toro 42-9030
Toro 67-4330
Trust Ph2700
Trust Ph2805
Trust Ph2808
Trust Ph2869
Ultra Xg3593a
Universal 300209
Unocal Pf1051
Unocal Pf1127
Unocal Pf2802
Valutest V2381
Valvoline L-2869
Valvoline Vo-106
Valvoline Vo-106bp
Valvoline Vo-113
Valvoline Vo-113bp
Valvoline Vo-39
Valvoline Vo-49
Valvoline Vo-50
Valvoline Vo-52
Valvoline Vo-61
Vera 10-00900
Vera 10-01089
Vera 10-01154
Vera 10-01204
Vera 10-01303
Vera 10-01311
Vera 10-01600
Vera 10-01709
Vera 10-01725
Vera 10-01733
Vera 10-50017
Vera 10-50900
Vera 10-51154
Viper 3593a
Volvo 119530030
Walmi Ws-3593
Warner Ph2805
Warner Ph2808
Warner Ph2869
Warner Ph2903
Westerbeke 30220
Westerbeke 36918
Western Auto 74-5888-8
Western Auto 74-5890-4
WIX 51064
WIX 51344
Yamaha YF1-52413-20-90
Yanmar 11900535100
Yanmar 119660-35150
Yanmar 119820-35150
Yanmar 124450-35100
Yanmar 124450-35100B
Yanmar 129150-35150
Yanmar 129150-35151
Yanmar 129150-35152

Fram PH3593A oil filter lookup chart

Aaladin 40-320 with Honda 18 hp v-twin LPG engine
Aaladin 43-530 with Honda 18 hp v-twin LPG engine
ACE with Honda 18 & 20 hp v-twin
Acura CL L4 2.2 (1997 - 1997)
Acura CL L4 2.3 (1998 - 1999)
Acura CL V6 3.0 (1997 - 1999)
Acura CL V6 3.2 (2001 - 2003)
Acura EL L4 1.6 (1997 - 2000)
Acura EL L4 1.7 (2001 - 2003)
Acura Integra L4 1.6 (1988 - 1989)
Acura Integra L4 1.7 (1992 - 1993)
Acura Integra L4 1.8 (1990 - 2001)
Acura MDX V6 3.5 (2001 - 2002)
Acura RL V6 3.5 (1996 - 2005)
Acura SLX V6 3.2 (1996 - 1997)
Acura SLX V6 3.5 (1998 - 1999)
Acura TL L5 2.5 (1995 - 1998)
Acura TL V6 3.2 (1999 - 2002)
Acura Vigor L5 2.5 (1992 - 1994)
Alaska diesel NL498K
All American Premier series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
All American Premier series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Amazing Machinery HDCV-5535HG with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Amida 31D dumper with Kubota D905 0.9L 17 hp diesel engine
AUSA CE11, CE16 with Isuzu 3LB1 diesel engine
AUSA CE11, CE16 with Isuzu 3LB1 engine
Bobcat 220
Bobcat 220 with Kubota D750 engine
Bobcat 313 with Kohler engine
Bobcat 320, 322 with Kubota D722 engine
Bobcat 443, 443B with Kubota D750B engine
Bobcat 453 with Kubota D750 engine
Bobcat 543, 543B with D950B engine
Bolens 1502 with Bolens 15 hp diesel engine
Bolens 1502H with Bolens 15 hp diesel engine
Bolens 1702 with Iseki diesel engine
Bolens 1704 with Bolens 17 hp engine
Bolens 1704H with Bolens 17 hp engine
Bolens G152, G172
Bolens Models with Mitsubishi diesel engine
Bush Hog ES2052 with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Bush Hog TH4200, TH4400 Trail Hand with Honda GX670 24 hp engine 614cc
(2004 - 2009)
Bush Hog TH440 Trail Hunter 4x4 614cc (2004 - 2009)
Bush Hog TH440 Trail Hunter with Honda GX620 20 hp engine 614cc (2004 - 2009)
Cam Spray 5000HXR with Honda 24hp v-twin
Cam Spray CBG4055HT with Honda 24hp v-twin
CASE 1818 with Kubota engine
CASE 1825 with Kubota engine
CASE 235 with Mitsubishi 18 hp
CASE 245 with Mitsubishi 21 hp
CASE 255 with Mitsubishi 24 hp
CASE 275 with Mitsubishi 31 hp
CASE Maxi-Sneaker B with Hatz engine
Chevrolet Spectrum L4 1.5 (1985 - 1988)
Chrysler Sebring V6 3.0 (2001 - 2005)
Club Car Carryall 1500, 1700 with Kubota diesel engine 719cc
Club Car Carryall 294 with Kubota diesel engine 719cc
Club Car Carryall 295 with Kubota D722 diesel engine 719cc
Club Car XRT1550, XRT1550XE with Kubota diesel engine 719cc
Cub Cadet 1782 with Kubota engine
Cub Cadet 2182 Super with Kubota 21 hp diesel
Cub Cadet 2182 with Kubota 21 hp engine
Cushman 898806, 898807 with A-1 diesel engine
Daewoo D20S-5 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP diesel engine
Daewoo D30S-5 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP diesel engine
Dodge Colt L4 1.5 (1991 - 1992)
Dodge Stealth V6 3.0 (1991 - 1996)
Dodge Stratus V6 3.0 (2001 - 2005)
Dultmeier DUPM4000G-WH with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Dultmeier DUPM7000G with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Dultmeier DUPM8500G with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Dultmeier DUPM9500G with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Dynablast BGF series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
E-Z-GO ST 4x4 614cc
Eagle Summit L4 1.5 (1992 - 1992)
Eagle Vista L4 1.5 (1992 - 1992)
Eagle Tug TT4 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP engine
Eagle Tug TT5 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP engine
Eagle Tug TT6 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP engine
Eagle Tug TT8 with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP engine
EPPS PAC3080H24 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
EPPS PDC355H20G with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
EPPS PDC355H24G with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Excel 320, 340 with Kubota engine
Excel 4200 with Kubota engine
Excel 4400 with Kubota engine
Ford Aspire L4 1.3 (1994 - 1995)
Ford Festiva L4 1.3 (1988 - 1993)
Ford Probe L4 2.2 (1989 - 1991)
Freightliner Rest Smart with Thermo King 2.70m engine
Gehl 4240E with Yanmar TNVN88PNS engine
Gehl 603
Gehl 753Z
Gehl 803
Gehl CTL55 with Yanmar 4TNV84T engine
Gehl CTL65
Gehl CTL75 with Yanmar 4TNV84T engine
Gehl CTL80 turbo
Gehl V270 with Yanmar 4TNV98T 3.3L engine
Gehl V330 with Yanmar 4TNV98T 3.3L engine
Generac Generator with Mazda 2.2L engine
Geo Spectrum L4 1.5 (1989 - 1989)
Geo Storm L4 1.6 (1990 - 1993)
Geo Storm L4 1.8 (1992 - 1993)
GMC C6000 V8 8.2 (1979 - 1990)
GMC C7000 V8 8.2 (1979 - 1990)
Grasshopper 721, 725 with Kubota engine
Grasshopper 721D with Kubota diesel engine
Honda Accord L4 1.8 (1984 - 1985)
Honda Accord L4 2.0 (1986 - 1989)
Honda Accord L4 2.2 (1990 - 1997)
Honda Accord L4 2.3 (1998 - 2002)
Honda Accord V6 2.7 (1995 - 1997)
Honda Accord V6 3.0 (1998 - 2002)
Honda Civic L4 1.5 (1988 - 1995)
Honda Civic L4 1.6 (1988 - 2000)
Honda Civic del Sol L4 1.5 (1993 - 1995)
Honda Civic del Sol L4 1.6 (1993 - 1997)
Honda CR-V L4 2.0 (1997 - 2001)
Honda CRX L4 1.5 (1988 - 1991)
Honda CRX L4 1.6 (1988 - 1991)
Honda EB11000 with GXV620QWC 20 hp v-twin engine
Honda GD1100 20.0 hp v-twin
Honda GD1250 22 hp
Honda GX610 18 hp
Honda GX620 20 hp
Honda GXV610 18 hp
Honda GXV620 20 hp
Honda GXV670 v-twin OHV Vertical
Honda H2013 with GX360 13 hp engine
Honda H2113 with GX360 13 hp engine
Honda H3013 with GX360 13 hp engine
Honda H4514 with 14 hp v-twin engine
Honda H5013 with GX360 13 hp engine
Honda H5518 with 20 hp v-twin engine
Honda H6522 with GD1250 22 hp v-twin diesel
Honda HA4118 with GXV620 18 hp v-twin engine
Honda HA4120 with 18 hp v-twin engine
Honda HA4120 with 20 hp v-twin engine
Honda HRC7018 with GXV390DA2 18 hp v-twin engine
Honda HRC7020 with GXV620QWC 20 hp v-twin engine
Honda HT3813, HT4213 with Honda GX360 13 hp engine
Honda Odyssey L4 2.2 (1995 - 1997)
Honda Odyssey L4 2.3 (1998 - 1998)
Honda Odyssey V6 3.5 (1999 - 2002)
Honda Passport L4 2.6 (1994 - 1996)
Honda Passport V6 3.2 (1994 - 2002)
Honda Prelude L4 1.8 (1983 - 1987)
Honda Prelude L4 2.0 (1985 - 1991)
Honda Prelude L4 2.1 (1990 - 1991)
Honda Prelude L4 2.2 (1992 - 2001)
Honda Prelude L4 2.3 (1992 - 1996)
Honda S2000 L4 2.0 (2000 - 2001)
Hot and Mighty Boss with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty Chopper with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty Commander with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty General with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty Invader with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty MCS 3506 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty Slider 3506 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hot and Mighty Supreme 3506 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hotsy BD-405039E with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Hotsy BD-455039E with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Howard Price 1260 with Yanmar 4TN82E engine
Hustler FasTrak with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Hustler FasTrak with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Hustler Mini Z with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hustler Super Mini Z HT with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hustler Super Mini Z HT with Kawasaki 25 hp engine
Hustler Super Z XR7 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hustler Z XR7 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hydra-Mac 805 loader with Yanmar 4TNV98 3.3L 68.5 HP diesel engine
Hydro Tek SCU35006HQ with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Hyundai Elantra L4 1.6 (1993 - 1995)
Hyundai Elantra L4 1.8 (1993 - 1998)
Hyundai Excel L4 1.5 (1993 - 1994)
Hyundai H-1, H-1 Starex 2.4 with G4CS engine
Hyundai H100 2.4 (1997 - 2000)
Hyundai H100 2.4 (P) with G4CS engine (1993 - 2000)
Hyundai Porter, Galloper 2.4
Hyundai Scoupe L4 1.5 (1993 - 1995)
Hyundai Sonata L4 2.0 (1993 - 1998)
Hyundai Sonata V6 3.0 (1990 - 1998)
Hyundai Tiburon L4 1.8 (1997 - 1997)
Hyundai Tiburon L4 2.0 (1997 - 1998)
Hyundai Trajet 2.0i (FO) (2000 - 2004)
Hyundai XG350 V6 3.5 (2002 - 2005)
Ingersoll-Rand 4IR18N
Ingersoll-Rand 4IRL5N
Ingersoll-Rand G25 Generator with Mitsubishi S4Q2Y engine
Ingersoll-Rand G25 with Mitsubishi S4Q2Y engine
Ingersoll-Rand G40 generator with Mitsubishi S4S 3.3L diesel engine
Ingersoll-Rand G40 with Mitsubishi S4S 3.3L diesel engine
Ingersoll-Rand P110WIR with 4IRL5N engine
Ingersoll-Rand P135WIR with 4IRH8N engine
Ingersoll-Rand P185AWIR with 4IR18N diesel engine
Ingersoll-Rand XP185AWIR with 4IR18N diesel engine
International Maxxpower
Isuzu 3KC1 QT23
Isuzu 3KR1 QT35
Isuzu 3LB1
Isuzu Amigo L4 2.3 (1989 - 1993)
Isuzu Amigo L4 2.6 (1989 - 1994)
Isuzu Amigo V6 3.2 (1998 - 2000)
Isuzu Axiom V6 3.5 (2002 - 2004)
Isuzu I-Mark L4 1.5 (1985 - 1989)
Isuzu I-Mark L4 1.6 (1989 - 1989)
Isuzu Impulse L4 1.6 (1990 - 1992)
Isuzu Impulse L4 1.8 (1992 - 1992)
Isuzu Oasis L4 2.2 (1996 - 1997)
Isuzu Oasis L4 2.3 (1998 - 1999)
Isuzu Pickup L4 2.3 (1988 - 1995)
Isuzu Pickup L4 2.6 (1988 - 1995)
Isuzu Rodeo L4 2.6 (1991 - 1997)
Isuzu Rodeo V6 3.2 (1993 - 2004)
Isuzu Rodeo V6 3.5 (2004 - 2004)
Isuzu Rodeo Sport V6 3.2 (2001 - 2003)
Isuzu Stylus L4 1.6 (1991 - 1993)
Isuzu Stylus L4 1.8 (1992 - 1992)
Isuzu Trooper L4 2.6 (1988 - 1991)
Isuzu Trooper V6 3.2 (1992 - 1997)
Isuzu Trooper V6 3.5 (1998 - 2002)
Isuzu Vehicross V6 3.5 (1999 - 2001)
Jacobsen 2315 with Kubota D950 engine
Jacobsen 62229 with Kohler D600B engine
Jacobsen 66132 with Kubota D950 engine
Jacobsen Greens King IV with Kubota D600B engine
Jacobsen LF100 with Kubota D950 engine
Jacobsen T422D with Kubota D950 engine
Jacobsen TF60 with Kubota D600B engine
Jacobsen Tri-King with Kubota engine
Jacobsen Turf Cat C417D with Kubota D600B engine
Jacobsen Turf Cat C420G with Kubota G600B engine
John Deere 1050 with Yanmar 3T90TJ engine
John Deere 1070 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 1545 with Yanmar 31 hp OHV diesel
John Deere 1565, 1565 series II with Yanmar 38 hp OHV diesel
John Deere 1600 turbo with Yanmar 4TNE84T engine
John Deere 1600 turbo with Yanmar 4TNE88 engine
John Deere 1600 turbo with Yanmar 57 hp turbo diesel
John Deere 2032R with Yanmar 3TNV88 engine
John Deere 2305 with Yanmar 3TNV76 1.2L engine
John Deere 244H
John Deere 25 excavator
John Deere 30, 50 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 3032E with Yanmar 3TNV88 diesel engine
John Deere 3032E with Yanmar 3TNV88 1.6L 36 hp engine
John Deere 3033R with Yanmar X3 88CR Tier 4 engine
John Deere 3038E with Yanmar 3TNV84T engine
John Deere 3038E with Yanmar 3TNV84T engine
John Deere 3039R with Yanmar 3TNV84T Tier 4 engine
John Deere 3046R with Yanmar 3TNV84HT Tier 4 engine
John Deere 304H with Yanmar 4TNE98 engine
John Deere 3120, 3320 with Yanmar 3TNV82A88 engine
John Deere 3203 with Yanmar 3TNV84 engine
John Deere 322 with Yanmar 18 hp OHV diesel engine
John Deere 330, 332 with Yanmar 16 hp OHV diesel engine
John Deere 3325, 3365
John Deere 3365
John Deere 3375 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 3520 with Yanmar 3TNV84T 40.5 HP engine
John Deere 3720 with Yanmar 3TNV84HT 1.5L 44 HP engine
John Deere 375
John Deere 4044M, 4044R with Yanmar 4TNV88C Tier 4 engine
John Deere 4052M, 4052R with Yanmar 4TNV86C Tier 4 engine
John Deere 4066M, 4066R with Yanmar 4TNV86CHT Tier 4 engine
John Deere 4100 with Yanmar 3TNE74 engine
John Deere 4105 with Yanmar 3TNV84T 40.5 HP engine
John Deere 4105 with Yanmar 4TNV84T-KJT engine
John Deere 4200, 4300, 4400 compact diesel
John Deere 4210
John Deere 430 with Yanmar 20 hp OHV diesel engine
John Deere 4310
John Deere 4410
John Deere 4475, 5575 with Kubota engine
John Deere 4500
John Deere 4500, 4600, 4700 compact diesel
John Deere 4510
John Deere 455 diesel
John Deere 4610
John Deere 4700 with Yanmar 4TNE88 engine
John Deere 4710
John Deere 575 with diesel engine
John Deere 655 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 6675 with Kubota engine
John Deere 670 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 675, 675B with diesel engine
John Deere 755 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 756 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 770 tractor
John Deere 7775
John Deere 80 with Yanmar 4TNE98 engine
John Deere 850 with Yanmar 3 cylinder engine
John Deere 855, 856 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 870, 970 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 900HC
John Deere 950 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 955 with Yanmar engine
John Deere 990 tractor
John Deere F1145 front mower with Yanmar 28 hp diesel engine
John Deere Z997 Z-Trak with Yanmar 3TN82A engine
Karcher Classic series with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Karcher Liberty series with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Karcher Liberty series with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Kia Amanti V6 3.5 (2004 - 2006)
Kioti CK20, CK20S with 3C093 engine
Kioti LB1714, LB1914
Kioti Mechron 2200 with Daedong 3C100LWU engine
Kioti Mechron 2240 with Daedong 3C100LWU engine
Kobelco SK024 with Kubota 3TN84L - RTBA/B engine
Kobelco SK024 with Yanmar 3TN84L engine
Kobelco SK025 with Yanmar 3TNC78 - LRTBA engine
Kobelco SK025 with Yanmar 3TNC78L engine
Kobelco SK025-2, SK025SR with Yanmar 3TNE78A engine
Kobelco SK027 with Yanmar 3TN84TL engine
Kobelco SK030 with Yanmar 3TN84L engine
Kobelco SK030 with Yanmar 3TN84L - RTBB/C engine
Kobelco SK030-2 with Yanmar 3TNE84 engine
Kobelco SK030-2, SK035-2 with Yanmar 3TNE84-YBB/C engine
Kobelco SK035 with Yanmar 3TN84L engine
Kobelco SK035 with Yanmar 3TN84L-RTBB/C engine
Kobelco SK035-2 with Yanmar 3TNE84 engine
Kobelco SK035SR with Yanmar 3TNE84 engine
Kobelco SK045SR with Yanmar 4TNE88 engine
Kohler 12.5CCO with Yanmar engine
Kohler 16CCO, 20CCO with Yanmar engine
Kohler 4CCO with Yanmar engine
Komatsu B21
Komatsu B21TL, B21TLB, B21TLB with Kubota D1005 engine
Komatsu B2410HSD with Kubota D1005 engine
Komatsu B2410HSD with Kubota D1105 engine
Komatsu B2410HSDB, B2410HSE with Kubota D1105 engine
Komatsu B2710HSD with Kubota V1305 engine
Komatsu B2710HSD with Kubota V1305-E-D12 engine
Komatsu B2910HSD with Kubota V1505 engine
Komatsu B7800HSD with Kubota V1505-E-D16 engine
Komatsu BX2200D with Kubota D905E diesel engine
Komatsu PC01-1 with Honda GX160K1 engine
Komatsu PC05-5 with Yanmar 3D72-2B engine
Komatsu PC05-6 with Yanmar 3D72-2 engine
Komatsu PC05-7 with 3D72-2 engine
Komatsu PC10-5 with Komatsu 3D75-2 engine
Komatsu PC10-6 with Komatsu 3D75-2 engine
Komatsu PC10-7 with 3D78N-1 engine
Komatsu PC15-1 with Komatsu 3D78-1 engine
Komatsu PC15-2 with Komatsu 3D78-1 engine
Komatsu PC15-3 with 3D82E-3 engine
Komatsu PC15-3 with 3D84N engine
Komatsu PC20-7 with Yanmar 3D82E-3 engine
Komatsu PC20-7 with Yanmar 3D84N-2 engine
Komatsu PC25-1 with Komatsu 3D84N-2, SD82E-3 engine
Komatsu PC25-1 with Yanmar 3D82E-3 engine
Komatsu PC25-1 with Yanmar 3D84N-2 engine
Komatsu PC25R-8 with Yanmar 3D82AE-3E S/N 10001 - up
Komatsu PC27R-8 with 3D82AE engine
Komatsu PC28UU-1, PC28UU-2 with Yanmar engine
Komatsu PC28UU-2 with Yanmar 3D82E-3 engine
Komatsu PC28UU-2 with Yanmar 3D84N-2 engine
Komatsu PC30-7 with Yanmar 3D84-2 engine
Komatsu PC30-7 with Yanmar 3D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC30R-8 with Yanmar 3D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC35R-8 with Yanmar 3D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC40 - 7 with 4D84 - 2, 4D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC40R-8 with Yanmar 4D84E-3 S/N 30001 - up
Komatsu PC45-1 with Yanmar 4D84-2 engine
Komatsu PC45-1 with Yanmar 4D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC45R-8 with Yanmar 4D84E-3 engine
Komatsu PC50UU-2 with Yanmar 4D84-2 engine
Komatsu PC50UU-2 with Yanmar 4D88E-3 engine
Komatsu PW05-1 with Yanmar engine
Komatsu WA20-1 with 3D78-1 engine
Komatsu WD140PS-2 with Komatsu engine
Kubota B1550, B1550HST
Kubota B1550D with D850-5B engine
Kubota B1550E with D850-5B engine
Kubota B1550HSD
Kubota B1550HSE
Kubota B1550HST-D with D850-5B engine
Kubota B1550HST-E with D850-5B engine
Kubota B1700 with D905 engine
Kubota B1700DT, B1700HSD with D905-D10 engine
Kubota B1700E with D905-D10 engine
Kubota B1700HST-D with D905-D10 engine
Kubota B1750, B1750HST
Kubota B1750D with D950-5B engine
Kubota B1750DT
Kubota B1750E with D950-5B engine
Kubota B1750HSD
Kubota B1750HSE
Kubota B1750HST
Kubota B1750HST-D with D950-5B engine
Kubota B1750HST-E with D950-5B engine
Kubota B20 with D950-A-T engine
Kubota B21 with D1005 engine
Kubota B2100
Kubota B2100DT with D1005-D10 engine
Kubota B2100HST-D with D1005-D10 engine
Kubota B2100HST-DB with D1005-D10 engine
Kubota B2150, B2150HST with V1200 5B engine
Kubota B2150D
Kubota B2150DT withV1200-5B engine
Kubota B2150E with V1200-5B engine
Kubota B2150HSD
Kubota B2150HSE
Kubota B21TL, B21TLB with D1005 engine
Kubota B21TLB with D1005 engine
Kubota B2400, B2400DT, B2400HSD
Kubota B2400HST-D with D1105-D10 engine
Kubota B2400HST-DB with D1105-D10 engine
Kubota B2400HST-E with D1105-D10 engine
Kubota B2410HSD with D1005 engine
Kubota B2410HSD with D1105 engine
Kubota B2410HSDB with D1105 engine
Kubota B2410HSE with D1105 engine
Kubota B2710HSD with V1305 engine
Kubota B2710HSD with V1305-E-D12 engine
Kubota B2910HSD with V1505 engine
Kubota B2910HSD with V1505-E-D16 engine
Kubota B4200, B4200DT with Z600A engine
Kubota B4200D with Z600-A engine
Kubota B5100 with Z500B engine
Kubota B5100D with Z500-B engine
Kubota B5100D-P
Kubota B5100E with Z500-B engine
Kubota B5100HST
Kubota B5200 with D750 engine
Kubota B5200D with D750 engine
Kubota B5200E with D750 engine
Kubota B6000 with Z600L engine
Kubota B6000D-P
Kubota B6000HST
Kubota B6100, B6100HST, B7100, B7100HST with D750-B engine
Kubota B6100D with D650-B engine
Kubota B6100D-P
Kubota B6100DT
Kubota B6100E with D650-B engine
Kubota B6100HST
Kubota B6100HST-DT with D650 B engine
Kubota B6100HST-E with D650-B engine
Kubota B6200, B6200HST, B7200, B7200HST
Kubota B6200D with D850-5B engine
Kubota B6200E with D850-5B engine
Kubota B6200HST-D with D850-5B engine
Kubota B6200HST-E with D850-5B engine
Kubota B7100D-P
Kubota B7100HST-DT with D750-B engine
Kubota B7100HST-E with D750-B engine
Kubota B7100HST-II-DT with D750-B engine
Kubota B7200D with D950 engine
Kubota B7200E with D950 engine
Kubota B7200HST-D with D950 engine
Kubota B7200HST-E with D950 engine
Kubota B7500
Kubota B7800HSD with V1505-E-D16 engine
Kubota B8200, B8200HSD, B8200HSE, B8200HST
Kubota B9200, B9200HST
Kubota BX2200D with D905E diesel engine
Kubota D1005 3 - cylinder 26 hp diesel
Kubota D1305 3 - cylinder 31 hp diesel
Kubota D722
Kubota D722E
Kubota D750
Kubota D850
Kubota D905E
Kubota D950
Kubota F2000 with 20 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2000E with 20 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2000HST with 20 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2100 with 21 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2100E with 21 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2100HST with 21 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2260E with 22 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2400 with D1105FM 24 H.P engine
Kubota F2400HST with 24 hp diesel engine
Kubota F2560E with Kubota diesel engine
Kubota F2680E with D1005 engine
Kubota F3060 with 30 hp diesel engine
Kubota F3060 with V1305-FM diesel engine
Kubota F3060E with V1305-FM diesel engine
Kubota F3060R with V1305-FM diesel engine
Kubota F3080 with D1305 engine
Kubota F3680 with V1505 diesel engine
Kubota F3680 with V1505 engine
Kubota FZ2100 with D905 21 hp diesel engine
Kubota FZ2400 with D1105F 24 hp diesel engine
Kubota G1800 with D662 diesel engine
Kubota G1900, G1900S, F1900
Kubota G1900HST
Kubota G2000
Kubota G3200 with Z400 diesel engine
Kubota G4200 and G4200H with Z430 diesel engine
Kubota G5200H with D600 diesel engine
Kubota G6200H
Kubota GF1800
Kubota GF1800E
Kubota KH007 with Z430K1 engine
Kubota KH30 with Z600-KW3 engine
Kubota KH35
Kubota KH50, KH51, KH55 with D950 engine
Kubota KX41-2 and KX41-25U
Kubota KX41H with D1105 engine
Kubota KX61-2 with D1105 engine
Kubota KX71H with V1505 engine
Kubota KX91-2, KX91-2S with V1505 engine
Kubota R310 Loader with V1305-RP engine
Kubota RTV-X1120D with D1105E4UV engine
Kubota RTV1100CW9 with D1105-E3-UV engine
Kubota RTV1140CPX with D1105-E3-UV engine
Kubota T1600
Kubota T1600H with 2 cylinder diesel engine
Kubota V1200
Kubota V1305 - FM
Kubota V1505 36 hp 3 - cylinder
Kubota V1505E
Kubota Z482
Kubota Z600
Kubota ZD221 with D782 21 hp diesel engine
Kubota ZD326P with D1005 26 hp diesel engine
Kubota ZD326S with D1005 26 hp diesel engine
Kubota ZD331P with D1305 31 hp diesel engine
Kubota ZG327 with KGZ770-E2-M1 engine
Land Pride 4200NT Treker 2WD 614cc (2007 - 2009)
Land Pride 4200ST Treker 2WD 614cc (2005 - 2009)
Land Pride 4210ST Treker 2WD 614cc (2005 - 2009)
Land Pride 4220ST Treker 2WD 614cc (2007 - 2009)
Land Pride 4400NT Treker 4WD 614cc (2005 - 2009)
Land Pride 4400ST Treker 4WD 614cc (2005 - 2009)
Land Pride 4410ST Treker 4WD 614cc (2005 - 2009)
Land Pride 4420ST Treker 4WD 614cc (2007 - 2009)
Land Pride Z44 Accu-Z-Razor with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Land Pride Z52 Accu-Z-Razor with Honda 18 H.P v-twin engine
Land Pride Z52 Accu-Z-Razor with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Land Pride ZT60 AccU-Z with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Land Pride ZXT54 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Land Pride ZXT60 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Landa MHP series
Landa PGDC series
Landa PGHW series
Landa SDD series
Landa SLT series
Landa SLX series
Landini Mistral 40 with Yanmar 3TNE88 diesel engine
Landini Trekker 60F compact with Yanmar 4TNE94 engine
Landini Trekker 70F with Yanmar 4TNE98 engine
Largo 5535G with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Largo 5535H with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Lastec 2872 series with Kubota D1105 engine
Lastec 2886 series with Kubota D1105 engine
Lastec 3682 series with Kubota D1105 engine
Lastec 3696 series with Kubota V1505 engine
Mahindra 3015 with Mitsubishi K3M-D engine
Maury H183255GCSE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H183555BCE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H183555GCSE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H184040BGE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H184040BGSE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H184040GGSE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H184045BCE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H184045BGE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H204040BGB with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H204045GCE with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Maury H204050BCE with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H204550CSE with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H204550GSE wHonda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H205040BCE with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H205040BUE with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury H244070BUE with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Maury H245050BGE with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Maury TNT-503537E with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury TNT-503537E/G with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Maury TNT-603537E with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Maury TNT-603537E/G with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Mazda 2.2L
Mazda 323 L4 1.6 (1986 - 1989)
Mazda 626 L4 2.0 (1983 - 1987)
Mazda 626 L4 2.2 (1988 - 1992)
Mazda 808 L4 1.6 (1976 - 1976)
Mazda 929 V6 3.0 (1988 - 1992)
Mazda B2000 L4 2.0 (1986 - 1987)
Mazda B2200 L4 2.2 (1987 - 1992)
Mazda B2600 L4 2.6 (1989 - 1992)
Mazda GLC L4 1.3 (1977 - 1978)
Mazda GLC L4 1.4 (1979 - 1980)
Mazda GLC L4 1.5 (1981 - 1985)
Mazda Mizer L4 1.3 (1976 - 1977)
Mazda MPV L4 2.6 (1989 - 1992)
Mazda MPV V6 3.0 (1989 - 1992)
Mazda MX-3 V6 1.8 (1992 - 1992)
Mazda MX-6 L4 2.2 (1988 - 1992)
Mazda RX-7 R2 1.1 (1980 - 1985)
Mazda RX-7 R2 1.3 (1984 - 1989)
McCormick GM40 with Yanmar engine
McCormick GM45 with Yanmar engine
McCormick GM50 with Yanmar engine
McCormick GM55 with Yanmar engine
McCormick GX with Yanmar engine
McCormick GX40H with Yanmar engine
McCormick GX45 with Yanmar 4TNE84 1995 cc diesel engine
McCormick GX45H with Yanmar 4TNE84 1995 cc diesel engine
McCormick GX50 with Yanmar engine
McCormick GX50H with Yanmar engine
McCormick GX55,GX55H
Mercury Tracer L4 1.6 (1987 - 1990)
Michigan Power Cleaning HP4030GH with Honda 18 hp v-twin LPG engine
Mitsubishi 3000GT V6 3.0 (1991 - 1999)
Mitsubishi Diamante V6 3.0 (1992 - 1996)
Mitsubishi Eclipse V6 3.0 (2000 - 2005)
Mitsubishi Galant V6 3.0 (1988 - 2003)
Mitsubishi Montero Sport V6 3.0 (2003 - 2003)
Mitsubishi Montero Sport V6 3.5 (2000 - 2003)
Mitsubishi MT250
Mitsubishi Outlander L4 2.4 (2010 - 2010)
Mitsubishi Precis L4 1.5 (1994 - 1994)
Mitsubishi S4L2
Mitsubishi Sigma V6 3.0 (1989 - 1990)
MTD 5120H with Mitsubishi 20 hp diesel
New Holland Boomer 40 with Mitsubishi S4Q2 engine
New Holland Boomer 50 with Mitsubishi S4Q2 engine
New Holland EC25 with Mitsubishi engine
New Holland Workmaster 40 with LS engine
Nissan N-11
Nissan N-21
Nissan N-220
Nissan N-80
Nissan N-802
North STAR 157207 with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Onan 3.5 MDKC
Onan 4.0 MDKC
Onan 6.5 MDKD
Onan 8.0 MDKD
Onan DKC
Onan DKC, DKD Spec. A - B
Onan DKD
Onan DKD Spec. C
Onan DKG
Onan HDKAJ/K with Quiet diesel engine
Onan MDK6
Onan Q107
Onan Q214
Owatonna Mustang 920 with Yanmar engine
Owatonna Mustang 930 with Yanmar engine
Owatonna Mustang 930A with Yanmar engine
Owatonna Mustang 940 with Yanmar engine
Plymouth Colt L4 1.5 (1989 - 1992)
Pontiac Sunburst L4 1.5 (1985 - 1988)
Pony Pack Pony Pack with Kubota Z482E engine
Power Line PLSU2000 with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Power Line PLTU2000 with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro HD commercial series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro HD commercial series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Max HP series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Max HP series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Max series with Honda 18 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Max series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Max series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Skid series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Super Skid series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Pro-Super Skid series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Super Skid series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Pressure-Pro Super Skid series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Proheat I.C.E. GEN3 with Kubota Z482B engine
Promax ProMax APU with 3TNV70 engine
Ramteq 2000 series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Ransomes 425 with Kubota engine
Schaeff HR16 with Mitsubishi S4L2 diesel engine
Schaeff HR16 with Mitsubishi S4L2 engine
Shark BR series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Shark BR series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Shark SSG series with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Shark SSG series with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine
Simpson WS5040H with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Subaru Baja H4 2.5 (2003 - 2003)
Subaru Forester H4 2.5 (1998 - 2003)
Subaru Impreza H4 1.8 (1993 - 1997)
Subaru Impreza H4 2.0 (2002 - 2004)
Subaru Impreza H4 2.2 (1995 - 2001)
Subaru Impreza H4 2.5 (1998 - 2004)
Subaru Justy L3 1.2 (1987 - 1987)
Subaru Legacy H4 2.2 (1990 - 1999)
Subaru Legacy H4 2.5 (1996 - 2004)
Subaru Legacy H6 3.0 (2008 - 2009)
Subaru Legacy H6 3.6 (2011 - 2016)
Subaru Outback H4 2.5 (2000 - 2004)
Subaru Outback H6 3.0 (2001 - 2005)
Subaru SVX H6 3.3 (1992 - 1997)
Subaru Tribeca H6 3.6 (2008 - 2010)
Takeuchi TB10S with Yanmar engine
Takeuchi TB228
Takeuchi TB235
Takeuchi TB36
Takeuchi TL130 with Yanmar 3TNE98 diesel engine
Takeuchi TL130 with Yanmar 3TNE98 engine
Takeuchi TL130 with Yanmar 3TNV98 diesel engine
Takeuchi TL130 with Yanmar 4TNV84T engine
Thermo King CD Max with TK2.49 engine
Thermo King HK
Thermo King HK - III with TK2.49 engine
Thermo King KD - II, KD - II Max with TK 3.66 engine
Thermo King KD - II, KD - II Max, KD - II SR
Thermo King LND, LR
Thermo King MD, MD - I, MD - II, MD - II MAX, MD - II SR
Thermo King MD - 200 with TK3.74 engine
Thermo King MD - 200 with TK370 engine
Thermo King MD - 200MT with TK374 engine
Thermo King MD - 200MT with TK37D engine
Thermo King MD - 300 with TK3.74 engine
Thermo King MD - 300 with TK370 engine
Thermo King MD100 with TK370 engine
Thermo King RD - I, RD - II, RD - II SR
Thermo King SDZ
Thermo King SDZ Max with TK2.49 engine
Thermo King Spectrum TS with TK3.95 engine
Thermo King Spectrum TS with TK376 engine
Thermo King T1000, T1000 Spectrum with TK376 Tier 4 engine
Thermo King T500R with TK370 Tier 4 engine
Thermo King T600, T600R with TK370 Tier 4 engine
Thermo King T800, T800R with TK370 Tier 4 engine
Thermo King TD - I, TD - II, TD - II MAX, TD - II SR
Thermo King TriPac with Yanmar TK270M engine
Thermo King TS200, TS300 with TK3.74 engine
Thermo King TS500, TS600 with TK3.96 engine
Thermo King UT1200x with TK376u engine
Thermo King UTS with TK376 engine
Thermo King UTS with TK395 engine
Thermo King XDS SR with TK3.95 engine
Toro 228D Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 320HD Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 322D Groundsmaster with Mitsubishi engine
Toro 325D Groundsmaster with Mitsubishi K3D 25 hp diesel engine
Toro 3280D Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 328D Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 3500D Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 3505D Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 5500D Reelmaster
Toro 5700D Multi - Pro with Kubota engine
Toro 7200 Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro 7210 Groundsmaster with Kubota engine
Toro Reelmaster 3100D with Kubota D1105 - E2 engine
Toro Reelmaster 5200D with Kubota engine
Toro Reelmaster 5210 with Kubota engine
Toro Reelmaster 5410 with Kubota engine
Toro Reelmaster 5500D with Kubota engine
Toro Reelmaster 5510 with Kubota engine
Truck Gen UCT 2 - 5.5 with Kubota Z482 engine
Ultimate Washer 2508PM with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer BE-CD - 3024HTEBCOM with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer BE-PE-2524HWEBSCOM with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer BE-PE-3024HWEBSCOM with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer BE-PE-4020HWEBSGEN with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer BE-PE-5024HWEBSGEN with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer CS - 5045HHC with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - B4070HG with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - B4560HG with Honda 24 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - SVB - 5535 - KIT with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - SVB - 5535 - KIT200 with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - VB4550HGEA510 with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Ultimate Washer PP - VB5540HGEA311 with Honda 20 hp v-twin
Universal M18
Universal M25
Universal M25XP
Universal M3 - 20A
Universal M4 - 30A
Volvo EC55 with Yanmar 4TNE94 engine
Westerbeke 10.0 BTD, 11.0 BTD, 11.0 WMD, 12.5 WMD, 4.4 BCD, 4.4 WMD,
5.0 BCDA, 5.0 BCDB, 7.6 BTD, 8.0 BCDT, 8.
Westerbeke 11
Westerbeke 11G
Westerbeke 12.5 BTG, 15.0 BTG, 4.5 BCGB, 4.5 BCGTC, 7.0 BCGB, 7.2
BCGTC, 8.5 BTG, 8.5 BTGA, 9.6 BCGTC
Westerbeke 12B
Westerbeke 16.0 BEG
Westerbeke 20.0 BEG, 25.0 BEG, 4.5 BCGTE, 7.2 BCGTE
Westerbeke 20B
Westerbeke 3
Westerbeke 3.5 BCG
Westerbeke 30B
Westerbeke 30B Three
Westerbeke 35B
Westerbeke 38B Four
Westerbeke 4.0 BCD
Westerbeke 4.4
Westerbeke 4.5G
Westerbeke 42B Four
Westerbeke 5.0 BCD
Westerbeke 5.0 BCG
Westerbeke 5.7 BTD
Westerbeke 6
Westerbeke 6.5G
Westerbeke 8
Westerbeke 8.5
Westerbeke RD60
Westerbeke RD80
Westerbeke W10
Westerbeke W13A
Westerbeke W18
Westerbeke W21
Westerbeke W21A
Westerbeke W27
Westerbeke W27A
Westerbeke W41G
Westerbeke W70G
Yamaha EDL5500DV
Yanmar 1GM10
Yanmar 2QM15
Yanmar 2T75U
Yanmar 2TR13A
Yanmar 3T13A
Yanmar 3TN66
Yanmar 3TN66E-S/G2
Yanmar 3TN75E-S/G1/G2
Yanmar 3TN75EG1
Yanmar 3TN75EG2
Yanmar 3TN78ES
Yanmar 3TN78RJB
Yanmar 3TN82E-S/G1/G2
Yanmar 3TN82TE-G1
Yanmar 3TN82TE-G2
Yanmar 3TN82TE-S
Yanmar 3TN84 - S/G1&2
Yanmar 3TN84E-G1
Yanmar 3TN84E-G2
Yanmar 3TN84E-S
Yanmar 3TNA72E-S/G2
Yanmar 3TNA82
Yanmar 3TNC78E-S/G1/G2
Yanmar 3TNE75ES
Yanmar 3TNE78A - G2A
Yanmar 3TNE78A - S/G1&2A
Yanmar 3TNE78A - SA/G1A
Yanmar 3TNE82A - SA/G1A
Yanmar 3TNE84 - G1A
Yanmar 3TNE84 - G2A
Yanmar 3TNE84 - SA
Yanmar 3TNE84 - SA/G1&2A
Yanmar 3TNE84T - SA/G1A
Yanmar 3TNE88
Yanmar 3TNE88 - G1A
Yanmar 3TNE88 - SA
Yanmar 3TNE88 - SA/G1A
Yanmar 3TNV84
Yanmar 3TNV88
Yanmar 3TNV94
Yanmar 4JH2DTE
Yanmar 4JH2E
Yanmar 4JH2HTE
Yanmar 4JH2TE
Yanmar 4JH2UTE
Yanmar 4JH3DTE
Yanmar 4JH3EYEU
Yanmar 4JH3HTE
Yanmar 4JH3TE
Yanmar 4JHDTE
Yanmar 4JHE
Yanmar 4JHHTE
Yanmar 4JHTE
Yanmar 4TN82E-G1/G2
Yanmar 4TN82E-S
Yanmar 4TN82EG1
Yanmar 4TN82EG2
Yanmar 4TN82TE-G1
Yanmar 4TN82TE-S
Yanmar 4TN84E-G1
Yanmar 4TN84E-G2
Yanmar 4TN84E-S
Yanmar 4TN84E-S/G1&2
Yanmar 4TN84TE-G1
Yanmar 4TN84TE-S/G1&2
Yanmar 4TN84TE-S/G2
Yanmar 4TNE84 - G1A
Yanmar 4TNE84 - G2A
Yanmar 4TNE84 - S/G1&2
Yanmar 4TNE84 - SA
Yanmar 4TNE84T - G1A
Yanmar 4TNE84T - S/G1
Yanmar 4TNE84T - SA
Yanmar 4TNE88 - G1A
Yanmar 4TNE88 - S/G1
Yanmar 4TNE88 - SA
Yanmar 4TNE94
Yanmar 4TNE94E-SA/G1A
Yanmar 4TNE98E
Yanmar 4TNE98E-SA/G1A
Yanmar 4TNV84T
Yanmar 4TNV98
Yanmar D27
Yanmar D27A
Yanmar D36
Yanmar D36 diesel outboard
Yanmar D36A
Yanmar GT14 with Yanmar engine
Yanmar YM155 with Yanmar 2TR13A engine
Yanmar YM155, YM155D with Yanmar 2TR13A engine
Yanmar YM155D with Yanmar 2TR13A engine
Yanmar YM165, TM165D with Yanmar 3T13A engine
Yanmar YM165D with Yanmar 3T13A engine
Yard Shark YSH2051Z with Honda 20 hp v-twin engine
Yard Shark YSH2460Z with Honda 24 hp v-twin engine

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