Fram PH3614 cross reference part number chart
AC-Delco Pf13
AC-Delco Pf13cl
AC-Delco Pf13fcl
AC-Delco Pf1781
AC-Delco Pf2
AC-Delco Pf20
AC-Delco Pf2cl
AC-Delco Pf2fcl
AC-Delco Pf53
AC-Delco Pf53cl
AC-Delco Pf53fcl
Alfa-Romeo 60574554
Alliance Abp/n10g-lf3335
Amsoil Asf57
Amsoil Ea15k57
Amsoil Eao57
Amsoil Eao58
Argo 12695
Atlas M-54
Auto Extra 61851348
Autoedge Al3614
Autolite Al3614
Autopar Fe213
Autopar Fe259
Autopro 2348
Baldwin B1405
Baldwin B1430
Baldwin B7020
Baldwin Bt223
Baldwin Bt8409
Beck/Arnley 041-8077
Beck/Arnley 041-8097
Beck/Arnley 041-8162
Big A 92269
Big A 92335
Big A 92348
Bosch 3330
Bosch 72161
Bosch Premium 3330
Bravo B241
Briggs and Stratton 491056
Briggs and Stratton 491056s
Bukh 610j0050
Bunton Bpl6006
Cam2 C241
Canadian Tire 17-1748-8
Carcare Iof3614
Carquest 85335
Carquest 85348
Carquest 85374
CASE 87409203
Casite Cf2951
Casite Cf3614
Casite Cf494
Casite Cf589
Casite Cf655
Castrol Cas3614
Caterpillar 220-1523
Cenex Co2835
Champ Ph2835
Champion Of10
Chrysler 2647020
Chrysler 4105409
Chrysler 4105409ab
Chrysler 4105409ac
Chrysler 4273810
Citgo C241
Clark 6513501
Clark 6513601
Cruisemaster 224
Cummins C600-211-2110
Defense Dl3614
Defense Dl9566
Delphi Fx1017
Denso 115010-2191
Denso 115310-0261
Denso 150-1002
Denso 150-1003
Deutsch D366
Distance Plus Oil Filters D3330
Donaldson P502016
Donaldson P550335
Donaldson P550589
Doubleguard Fdg3614
Drive Works Dw-241
Dynalife Cn-3614
Econo Lube L10241
Evergard E2835
Facet 335
Filters Incorporated Of3614
Firestone Tf-335
Firestone Tf335
Flag C-3614
Fleetguard Hf28783
Fleetguard Lf16011
Fleetguard Lf3335
Fleetguard Lf3376
Fleetguard Lf3460
Fleetguard Lf3874
Fleetrite Lfr-83335
Fleetrite Lfr-83460
Flying F Ph3614
Ford 1s7g-6714-da
Ford 1s7z-6714-da
Ford 1s7z-6731-da
Ford Be8z-6731-ab
Fram High Mileage oil filters Hm3614
Fram Pro Series Fp3614
Framcore Cor3614tle
Frampro Ph3614pro
Fuller 4304827
FVP R1348
Gehl 361
Generac 070185e
General Motors 19160689
General Motors 19160690
General Motors 19161274
General Motors 19161275
General Motors 21000872
General Motors 25011520
General Motors 25014441
General Motors 89060466
General Motors 89060498
General Motors 94840078
General Motors 96058042
Gonher Gp58
Gonher Gp58m
Goodyear 222-4522
Goodyear L335
Grand Prix Ph2835
Grease Monkey Gm10241
Grease Monkey Gm335
Group 7 V241
Gulf Gf-224
Hastings B7020
Hastings Bt8409
Hastings Hf1000
Hastings Lf157
Hastings Lf157f
Hastings Lf494
Hastings Lf494f
Hastings Lf550
Hastings Lf563
Hastings Lf563f
Hastings Lf589
Hastings Lf589f
Hastings Lf655
Havoline T-29
Iapco A-0211-001
Iapco Of2
Iapco Of36
Iapco Of935
Ingersoll-Rand C25042
Ingersoll-Rand C25402
Ingersoll-Rand C26191
Installer Edge Al3614
IPD 10130
ITM 11-10103
ITM 11-11400
ITM 11-11516
ITM 11-17600
ITM 11-19700
ITM 111-0103
ITM 111-7600
ITM 111-9700
ITM 111-9802
Jaguar C2z21964
Jiffy Lube Hl3614
Jiffy Lube Jl241
Jiffy Lube L10241
John Deere At1220338
John Deere He1220800
K&N Hp-1002
K&N Ps-1002
K-Mart K-16
K-Mart Mp-16
Kendall K17
Kohler 520-5002
Kohler 5205002
Kohler 5205002s
Komatsu 600-211-2110
Kralinator L127
Kubota 70000-36160
Lazorlite L11-1350
Lazorlite L11-1805
Lee Lf-2835
Lee Lf-2835hp
Lister-Petter 201-55370
Luber-Finer Ph2835
Lucas Girling F6515
Lucas Girling F6587
Lucas Girling F6618
Mann Filter Ml1003
Mann Filter W711/80
Mann Filter W712/37
Mann Filter W712/38
Mann Filter W712/43
Mann Filter W712/80
Mann Filter W811/81
Mann Filter W920/80
Marathon Ph2835
Marathon-letourneau Ph2835
Master Parts Ph-2835
Mazda Lf05-14-302a
Mazda Lf05-14-302b
Mazda Lf10-14-302
Mazda Lf10-14-302a
Mazda Lfy1-14-302
Mechanics Circle Mof3614
Melroe 6652366
Microgard Mgl3614
Mighty M3614
Mileguard Mo3614
Minit Lube Ph2821
Mobil L35098
Mobil Mo241
Mobil 1 M1-102
Mobil 1 M1-102a
Mobil 1 M1mc-131
Mopar L-335
Mopar Mo-409
Motomaster Mph3614
Motorcraft Efl910
Motorcraft Fl-2057
Motorcraft Fl-910s
Motorcraft Fl793
Motorcraft Fl910
Motorcraft Fl910s
MPA 2050
MPA 2818
Napa 1269
Napa 1348
Napa 1374
New Holland 507107
New Holland 87415600
New Holland Sba140517020
OE+ Of-530
OE+ Of-550
OE+ Of-830
Omc 5031411
Omc 778885
Onan 122-0406
Onan 122-0645
Onan 122-0679
Onan 122-0800
Parts Master 61215
Parts Master 61348
Parts Master 61391
Parts Plus Ph2835
Pennzoil Pz-21
Pentius Plb3614
Performax Po-21
Perkins 140517000
Phillips 66 Po241
Pit Stop Psl17
Power Flo Sl10017
Power Flo Sl10241
Power Flo Sl20252
Precision Tune Of-161
Premium Guard Pg241
Primeguard Pof241
Pro-Tec 130
Pro/Gauge Pgo-241
Promotive Ph241
Pronto Po-241
Pronto Po-3614
Pureone (Purolator) Pl10241
Purolator L10241
Purolator L35098
Purolator Psl10241
Quaker State L35098
Quaker State Qs3614
Rockhill 61348
Rover Lr025306
Saab 30548485
Saab 9144445
Saab 93186554
Sears 45205
Security So241
Select 500 L1348
Service 1 Of241
Service Pro M241
Shell L35098
Shell Sh29
Sieg Os3614
Sierra 18-7884
Sierra 18-7915
Silverline 21348
STP S3614
Sunoco O-21
Supertech St3614
Suzuki 16510-60b01
Suzuki 16510-60b10
Suzuki 16510-60b11
Suzuki 16510-87j00
Target Comp Sf2835
Tough Guard Tg3614
Toyota 00120-00012
Toyota 08922-02004
Toyota 08922-02010
Toyota 08922-02011
Toyota 15601-13051
Toyota 32623-12620-71
Toyota 32670-12620-71
Toyota 90915-03002
Toyota 90915-03005
Toyota 90915-20001
Toyota 90915-20002
Toyota 90915-20003
Toyota 90915-20004
Toyota 90915-yzza1
Toyota 90915-yzzb5
Toyota 90915-yzzb9
Toyota 90915-yzzd1
Toyota 90915-yzzd3
Toyota C0120-00015
Trust Ph2835
Ultra Xg3614
Universal 299381
Unocal Pf2835
Unocal Pf9a
Valucraft V3614
Valutest 42143
Valutest V2348
Valvoline Vo-25
Valvoline Vo-25bp
Vera 10-01337
Vera 10-01352
Vera 10-01402
Vera 10-50389
Viper 3614
Volvo 834337
Volvo 834337-8
Volkswagen, Audi 04e115561b
Volkswagen, Audi 04e115561h
Volkswagen, Audi 7b0115561
Walmi Ws-3614
Warner Ph2835
Western Auto 74-5884-7
White 33-0083836
WIX 51348
WIX 51762
WIX 51785
WIX 57000
WIX 57023
WIX 57181
Yamaha 69j-13440-00-00
Yamaha 69j-13440-01-00
Yamaha 69j-13440-03-00
Yugo 46620004
Yugo 46624209
Zinga Be10-18
AC-Delco Pf13cl
AC-Delco Pf13fcl
AC-Delco Pf1781
AC-Delco Pf2
AC-Delco Pf20
AC-Delco Pf2cl
AC-Delco Pf2fcl
AC-Delco Pf53
AC-Delco Pf53cl
AC-Delco Pf53fcl
Alfa-Romeo 60574554
Alliance Abp/n10g-lf3335
Amsoil Asf57
Amsoil Ea15k57
Amsoil Eao57
Amsoil Eao58
Argo 12695
Atlas M-54
Auto Extra 61851348
Autoedge Al3614
Autolite Al3614
Autopar Fe213
Autopar Fe259
Autopro 2348
Baldwin B1405
Baldwin B1430
Baldwin B7020
Baldwin Bt223
Baldwin Bt8409
Beck/Arnley 041-8077
Beck/Arnley 041-8097
Beck/Arnley 041-8162
Big A 92269
Big A 92335
Big A 92348
Bosch 3330
Bosch 72161
Bosch Premium 3330
Bravo B241
Briggs and Stratton 491056
Briggs and Stratton 491056s
Bukh 610j0050
Bunton Bpl6006
Cam2 C241
Canadian Tire 17-1748-8
Carcare Iof3614
Carquest 85335
Carquest 85348
Carquest 85374
CASE 87409203
Casite Cf2951
Casite Cf3614
Casite Cf494
Casite Cf589
Casite Cf655
Castrol Cas3614
Caterpillar 220-1523
Cenex Co2835
Champ Ph2835
Champion Of10
Chrysler 2647020
Chrysler 4105409
Chrysler 4105409ab
Chrysler 4105409ac
Chrysler 4273810
Citgo C241
Clark 6513501
Clark 6513601
Cruisemaster 224
Cummins C600-211-2110
Defense Dl3614
Defense Dl9566
Delphi Fx1017
Denso 115010-2191
Denso 115310-0261
Denso 150-1002
Denso 150-1003
Deutsch D366
Distance Plus Oil Filters D3330
Donaldson P502016
Donaldson P550335
Donaldson P550589
Doubleguard Fdg3614
Drive Works Dw-241
Dynalife Cn-3614
Econo Lube L10241
Evergard E2835
Facet 335
Filters Incorporated Of3614
Firestone Tf-335
Firestone Tf335
Flag C-3614
Fleetguard Hf28783
Fleetguard Lf16011
Fleetguard Lf3335
Fleetguard Lf3376
Fleetguard Lf3460
Fleetguard Lf3874
Fleetrite Lfr-83335
Fleetrite Lfr-83460
Flying F Ph3614
Ford 1s7g-6714-da
Ford 1s7z-6714-da
Ford 1s7z-6731-da
Ford Be8z-6731-ab
Fram High Mileage oil filters Hm3614
Fram Pro Series Fp3614
Framcore Cor3614tle
Frampro Ph3614pro
Fuller 4304827
FVP R1348
Gehl 361
Generac 070185e
General Motors 19160689
General Motors 19160690
General Motors 19161274
General Motors 19161275
General Motors 21000872
General Motors 25011520
General Motors 25014441
General Motors 89060466
General Motors 89060498
General Motors 94840078
General Motors 96058042
Gonher Gp58
Gonher Gp58m
Goodyear 222-4522
Goodyear L335
Grand Prix Ph2835
Grease Monkey Gm10241
Grease Monkey Gm335
Group 7 V241
Gulf Gf-224
Hastings B7020
Hastings Bt8409
Hastings Hf1000
Hastings Lf157
Hastings Lf157f
Hastings Lf494
Hastings Lf494f
Hastings Lf550
Hastings Lf563
Hastings Lf563f
Hastings Lf589
Hastings Lf589f
Hastings Lf655
Havoline T-29
Iapco A-0211-001
Iapco Of2
Iapco Of36
Iapco Of935
Ingersoll-Rand C25042
Ingersoll-Rand C25402
Ingersoll-Rand C26191
Installer Edge Al3614
IPD 10130
ITM 11-10103
ITM 11-11400
ITM 11-11516
ITM 11-17600
ITM 11-19700
ITM 111-0103
ITM 111-7600
ITM 111-9700
ITM 111-9802
Jaguar C2z21964
Jiffy Lube Hl3614
Jiffy Lube Jl241
Jiffy Lube L10241
John Deere At1220338
John Deere He1220800
K&N Hp-1002
K&N Ps-1002
K-Mart K-16
K-Mart Mp-16
Kendall K17
Kohler 520-5002
Kohler 5205002
Kohler 5205002s
Komatsu 600-211-2110
Kralinator L127
Kubota 70000-36160
Lazorlite L11-1350
Lazorlite L11-1805
Lee Lf-2835
Lee Lf-2835hp
Lister-Petter 201-55370
Luber-Finer Ph2835
Lucas Girling F6515
Lucas Girling F6587
Lucas Girling F6618
Mann Filter Ml1003
Mann Filter W711/80
Mann Filter W712/37
Mann Filter W712/38
Mann Filter W712/43
Mann Filter W712/80
Mann Filter W811/81
Mann Filter W920/80
Marathon Ph2835
Marathon-letourneau Ph2835
Master Parts Ph-2835
Mazda Lf05-14-302a
Mazda Lf05-14-302b
Mazda Lf10-14-302
Mazda Lf10-14-302a
Mazda Lfy1-14-302
Mechanics Circle Mof3614
Melroe 6652366
Microgard Mgl3614
Mighty M3614
Mileguard Mo3614
Minit Lube Ph2821
Mobil L35098
Mobil Mo241
Mobil 1 M1-102
Mobil 1 M1-102a
Mobil 1 M1mc-131
Mopar L-335
Mopar Mo-409
Motomaster Mph3614
Motorcraft Efl910
Motorcraft Fl-2057
Motorcraft Fl-910s
Motorcraft Fl793
Motorcraft Fl910
Motorcraft Fl910s
MPA 2050
MPA 2818
Napa 1269
Napa 1348
Napa 1374
New Holland 507107
New Holland 87415600
New Holland Sba140517020
OE+ Of-530
OE+ Of-550
OE+ Of-830
Omc 5031411
Omc 778885
Onan 122-0406
Onan 122-0645
Onan 122-0679
Onan 122-0800
Parts Master 61215
Parts Master 61348
Parts Master 61391
Parts Plus Ph2835
Pennzoil Pz-21
Pentius Plb3614
Performax Po-21
Perkins 140517000
Phillips 66 Po241
Pit Stop Psl17
Power Flo Sl10017
Power Flo Sl10241
Power Flo Sl20252
Precision Tune Of-161
Premium Guard Pg241
Primeguard Pof241
Pro-Tec 130
Pro/Gauge Pgo-241
Promotive Ph241
Pronto Po-241
Pronto Po-3614
Pureone (Purolator) Pl10241
Purolator L10241
Purolator L35098
Purolator Psl10241
Quaker State L35098
Quaker State Qs3614
Rockhill 61348
Rover Lr025306
Saab 30548485
Saab 9144445
Saab 93186554
Sears 45205
Security So241
Select 500 L1348
Service 1 Of241
Service Pro M241
Shell L35098
Shell Sh29
Sieg Os3614
Sierra 18-7884
Sierra 18-7915
Silverline 21348
STP S3614
Sunoco O-21
Supertech St3614
Suzuki 16510-60b01
Suzuki 16510-60b10
Suzuki 16510-60b11
Suzuki 16510-87j00
Target Comp Sf2835
Tough Guard Tg3614
Toyota 00120-00012
Toyota 08922-02004
Toyota 08922-02010
Toyota 08922-02011
Toyota 15601-13051
Toyota 32623-12620-71
Toyota 32670-12620-71
Toyota 90915-03002
Toyota 90915-03005
Toyota 90915-20001
Toyota 90915-20002
Toyota 90915-20003
Toyota 90915-20004
Toyota 90915-yzza1
Toyota 90915-yzzb5
Toyota 90915-yzzb9
Toyota 90915-yzzd1
Toyota 90915-yzzd3
Toyota C0120-00015
Trust Ph2835
Ultra Xg3614
Universal 299381
Unocal Pf2835
Unocal Pf9a
Valucraft V3614
Valutest 42143
Valutest V2348
Valvoline Vo-25
Valvoline Vo-25bp
Vera 10-01337
Vera 10-01352
Vera 10-01402
Vera 10-50389
Viper 3614
Volvo 834337
Volvo 834337-8
Volkswagen, Audi 04e115561b
Volkswagen, Audi 04e115561h
Volkswagen, Audi 7b0115561
Walmi Ws-3614
Warner Ph2835
Western Auto 74-5884-7
White 33-0083836
WIX 51348
WIX 51762
WIX 51785
WIX 57000
WIX 57023
WIX 57181
Yamaha 69j-13440-00-00
Yamaha 69j-13440-01-00
Yamaha 69j-13440-03-00
Yugo 46620004
Yugo 46624209
Zinga Be10-18
Fram PH3614 oil filter lookup chart
Aaladin 41-440 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp v-twin engine
Agco 9330 Windrower with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Agco 9340 Windrower
Alfa Romeo 164 V6 3.0 (1994 - 1995)
Asuna GT L4 1.6 (1993 - 1993)
Asuna SE L4 1.6 (1993 - 1993)
Audi A3 Sportback E-Tron L4 1.4 (2016 - 2017)
Bobcat 732 with Ford 4-98 engine
Bobcat 742 with Ford 4-98 engine
Bobcat 752
Branson 6530, 6530C, 6530R with Cummins B3.3 engine
Briggs and Stratton 261700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 28P700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 28Q700 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 290400 series 12.5 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 294400 series 14 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 294700 series 14 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 303400 series 16 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 303700 series 16 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 350400 series 18 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 350700 series 18 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 351700 series 20 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 380400 series 23 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 381400 series 21 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 400400 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 400700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 402400 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 402700 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 403400 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 422400 series 18 hp
Briggs and Stratton 422700 series 18 hp
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Kawasaki 14 hp engine
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Kohler Command 14 hp engine
Carrier-Transicold Solara with CT2-29TV Tri Vecter engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 422 with CT2-29 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 550 with CT2-29 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 622, 722 with CT3-44 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 644, 744 with CT3-44TV engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 650, 750, 850 with CT3-44 engine
CASE 410 with 422/M2 engine
CASE 410 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE 410 with 422T/M3 engine
CASE 420 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE 420,420CT with 422T/M2 Tier 2 engine
CASE 420CT with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SR130 with 420/M3 engine
CASE SR130, SR150 with ISM N844 series engine
CASE SR150 with 420T/M3 engine
CASE SR175 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SV185 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SV208 with Cummins QSB3.3L engine
CASE SV210 with Cummins QSB3.3L engine
Case International DX18E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX21 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX22E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX23 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX24 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX24E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX25 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX25E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX26 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX29 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX31 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX33 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX34 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX35 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX40 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX48 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX55 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International Farmall 31 with Shibaura 1.5L engine
Case International Farmall 35B with Mitsubishi S4L2 engine
Case International Farmall 40B with Mitsubishi S4Q2 engine
Case International Farmall 45 with Shibaura 2.2L engine
Case International Farmall 45A with Shibaura ISM844 engine
Case International Farmall 50 with Shibaura 2.2L engine
Case International Farmall 55A with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Caterpillar 216B with Caterpillar 3024C diesel engine
Caterpillar 216B, 226B with 3024C engine
Caterpillar 216B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 216B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 226B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 226B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 226B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 226B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 232B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 232B, 242B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 242B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 247B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 247B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 247B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 247B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 257B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 257B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 304CR with 3044C engine
Caterpillar CB214E, CB224E, CB225E with 3013C engine
Caterpillar CB224D 3013 engine
Caterpillar CB225D 3013 engine
Caterpillar CB334D 3014 engine
Caterpillar CB335D 3014 engine
Chevrolet Metro L3 1.0 (1998 - 2000)
Chevrolet Metro L4 1.3 (1992 - 2001)
Chevrolet Sprint L3 1.0 (1985 - 1992)
Chevrolet Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1999)
Chrysler Cirrus L4 2.0 (2000 - 2000)
Chrysler Cirrus L4 2.4 (1995 - 2000)
Chrysler Daytona L4 2.2 (1984 - 1990)
Chrysler Daytona L4 2.5 (1987 - 1990)
Chrysler Daytona V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty V6 3.0 (1988 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler E Class L4 2.2 (1983 - 1984)
Chrysler Executive Limousine L4 2.2 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler Executive Limousine L4 2.5 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler Imperial V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Laser L4 2.2 (1984 - 1986)
Chrysler Laser L4 2.5 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler LeBaron L4 2.2 (1982 - 1990)
Chrysler LeBaron L4 2.5 (1986 - 1990)
Chrysler LeBaron V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Neon L4 2.0 (2000 - 2002)
Chrysler New Yorker L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Chrysler New Yorker L4 2.5 (1986 - 1987)
Chrysler New Yorker V6 3.0 (1988 - 1989)
Chrysler New Yorker V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Pacifica V6 3.8 (2008 - 2008)
Chrysler PT Cruiser L4 2.4 (2001 - 2010)
Chrysler Sebring L4 2.4 (1996 - 2006)
Chrysler TC Maserati L4 2.2 (1989 - 1990)
Chrysler TC Maserati V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Town & Country L4 2.2 (1982 - 1988)
Chrysler Town & Country L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 3.3 (1990 - 2010)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 3.8 (2007 - 2010)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 4.0 (2010 - 2010)
Chrysler Voyager L4 2.4 (2000 - 2003)
Club Car XRT950 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 14 HP engine 480cc
Columbia Parcar Scout S10G 391cc
Columbia Parcar Shuttle C6G 391cc
Columbia Parcar Tram C10G 391cc
Craftsman 917.20380 with Briggs and Stratton 19 hp engine
Craftsman 917.204070 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.204080 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276680 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276681 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276682 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276683 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Cub Cadet 4816 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Cub Cadet 5416, 5418 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Cub Cadet 6284D with Caterpillar engine
Cub Cadet XT2 Enduro series with Kawasaki FR series engine
Cummins B3.3 3.3L
Cummins B3.3L engine
Cummins B3.3T
Cummins QSB 3.3L
Daewoo 450 PLUS, 460 PLUS with Cummins B3.3L engine
Daewoo 470 PLUS with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Daewoo D20G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D20S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D25G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D25S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D30G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D30S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D35C-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Deutz TD2009
Deutz-Allis 1616
Deutz-Allis 1814
Deutz-Allis 1816
Deutz-Allis 3016
Deutz-Allis FC1316
Dig-R-Mobil 80 Onan CCK engine
Ditch Witch FX60 with Cummins B3.3l engine
Ditch Witch JT1220 Mach 1 with Cummins B3.3l engine
Ditch Witch JT2020 Mach 1 with Cummins B3.3L engine
Dodge 400 L4 2.2 (1982 - 1983)
Dodge 600 L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Dodge 600 L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Dodge Aries L4 2.2 (1981 - 1989)
Dodge Aries L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Dodge B150 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge B250 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.4 (1996 - 2007)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan V6 3.0 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan V6 3.3 (1990 - 2007)
Dodge Charger L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Dodge Charger L4 1.7 (1983 - 1983)
Dodge Charger L4 2.2 (1983 - 1987)
Dodge D100 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1989)
Dodge D150 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge D250 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dakota L4 2.2 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Dakota L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Dakota V6 3.9 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona L4 2.2 (1984 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona L4 2.5 (1986 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty V6 3.0 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Dodge Grand Caravan L4 2.4 (1996 - 1997)
Dodge Grand Caravan L4 2.5 (1987 - 1989)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.0 (1987 - 1989)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.3 (1990 - 2010)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.8 (2007 - 2010)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 4.0 (2010 - 2010)
Dodge Lancer L4 2.2 (1985 - 1989)
Dodge Lancer L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Dodge Mini Ram L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Dodge Mini Ram L4 2.5 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Mini Ram V6 3.0 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Neon L4 2.0 (1995 - 2005)
Dodge Omni L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Dodge Omni L4 1.7 (1979 - 1983)
Dodge Omni L4 2.2 (1981 - 1990)
Dodge Rampage L4 2.2 (1982 - 1984)
Dodge Shadow L4 2.2 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Shadow L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Spirit L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Spirit V6 3.0 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Stratus L4 2.0 (1995 - 2006)
Dodge Stratus L4 2.4 (1995 - 2006)
Dodge SX 2.0 L4 2.0 (2003 - 2005)
Dodge W100 V6 3.9 (1989 - 1989)
Dodge W150 V6 3.9 (1989 - 1990)
Dynapac CA-150 with Cummins 4BT 3.9 engine
Dynapac PL350S with Cummins B3.3l engine
E Zon Model I with Caterpillar 3011C engine
E Zon Model I with Perkins 403C-11 engine
E Zon Model II with Caterpillar 0.5 engine
E Zon Model II with Perkins 402C-05 engine
E-Z-GO ST 480 480cc
Exmark Metro M48 - 16BV-5 with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Metro M52 - 16BV-5 with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Turf Tracer TT16BV, TTH16BV with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Viking V4816BVH with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Viking V5216BVH with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Ferris Industries IS 4500Z with Caterpillar 3011 1000cc diesel engine
Ford C-Max L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Crown Victoria V8 4.6 (2009 - 2011)
Ford Edge L4 2.0 (2012 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 1.5 (2017 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 1.6 (2013 - 2016)
Ford Escape L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Ford Escape L4 2.5 (2009 - 2017)
Ford Explorer L4 2.0 (2012 - 2015)
Ford Explorer L4 2.3 (2016 - 2017)
Ford Fiesta L3 1.0 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Fiesta L4 1.6 (2006 - 2017)
Ford Focus L3 1.0 (2015 - 2017)
Ford Focus L4 2.0 (2005 - 2017)
Ford Focus L4 2.3 (2003 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 1.5 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 1.6 (2013 - 2014)
Ford Fusion L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 2.3 (2006 - 2008)
Ford Fusion L4 2.5 (2010 - 2017)
Ford Mustang L4 2.3 (2015 - 2017)
Ford Ranger L4 2.3 (2004 - 2011)
Ford Special Service Police Sedan L4 2.0 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Taurus L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Transit Connect L4 1.6 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Transit Connect L4 2.0 (2010 - 2013)
Ford Transit Connect L4 2.5 (2014 - 2018)
Freightliner 108SD L6 8.9 (2014 - 2017)
Freightliner 108SD with Cummins ISL9 engine
Gehl RS5 - 19 with Deutz TD2009 diesel engine
Gehl RS519 with Deutz TP2009 engine
Generac Eco Gen 6KW with 18 hpengine
Generac GP15000E with 30 hp engine
Generac GP17000E with 30 hp engine
Generac XG10000E with 18 hp engine
Generac XP10000E with 18 hp engine
Geo Metro L3 1.0 (1989 - 1997)
Geo Metro L4 1.3 (1992 - 1997)
Geo Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1997)
GMC Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1991)
Grasshopper 718 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Grasshopper 720 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin
Grimmer Schmidt 185DR with Cummins B3.3L engine
Harlan Corp HLP30 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP40 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP50 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP60 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP30 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP40 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP50 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP60 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlo HD4500 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Hesston 9230 Windrower with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Husqvarna GT-160 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Husqvarna GT-180 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Hustler 3500 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
Hustler 3700 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
Idle Solutions Idle Solutions with Perkins 403C-11 engine
Ingersoll-Rand 1114
Ingersoll-Rand 1214
Ingersoll-Rand 3016 PS with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 3018 PS with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 3118 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4016 PS with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4016 with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4018 PS with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4020 PS with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4118 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4120 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 6018 with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 646
Ingersoll-Rand PT125R with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Iveco F5CE
Jacobsen Turf Cat with Onan engine
Jaguar F-Pace L4 2.0 (2017 - 2017)
Jaguar XE L4 2.0 (2017 - 2017)
Jaguar XF L4 2.0 (2013 - 2015)
JCB 1CX with Perkins 404C22 Tier 3 engine
JCB 1CX with Perkins 404D22 Tier 3 engine
Jeep Liberty L4 2.4 (2002 - 2005)
Jeep TJ L4 2.4 (2003 - 2006)
Jeep Wrangler L4 2.4 (2003 - 2006)
Jeep Wrangler V6 3.8 (2007 - 2011)
John Deere 14 with Onan 25 hp engine
John Deere 70 with Onan 25 HP Gas engine
Johnson 25 hp 3 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2000 - 2007)
Johnson 30 hp 3 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2000 - 2006)
Johnson 40 hp 3 - cylinder DOHC 4-stroke (1999 - 2006)
Johnson 50 hp 3 - cylinder DOHC 4-stroke (1999 - 2006)
Johnson 60 hp 4 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2006)
Johnson 70 hp 4 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2001 - 2006)
Kee HVG48161 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp engine
Kee HVG52161 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp engine
Kee HVG61201 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20 hp engine
Kenworth C500 L6 10.0 (1984 - 1998)
Kenworth C500 L6 10.5 (1981 - 1994)
Kenworth C500 L6 10.8 (1996 - 2012)
Kenworth C500 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2008)
Kenworth C500 L6 12.5 (2005 - 2011)
Kenworth C500 L6 12.7 (1989 - 2003)
Kenworth C500 L6 14.0 (1981 - 2002)
Kenworth C500 L6 14.6 (1981 - 1999)
Kenworth C500 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1989)
Kenworth C500 V8 12.1 (1981 - 1988)
Kenworth C540 L6 14.0 (1990 - 1993)
Kenworth C540 V8 18.0 (1988 - 1988)
Kenworth C550 L6 10.0 (1986 - 1989)
Kenworth C550 L6 10.5 (1985 - 1990)
Kenworth C550 L6 12.7 (1994 - 1994)
Kenworth C550 L6 14.0 (1986 - 1994)
Kenworth C550 L6 14.6 (1986 - 1994)
Kenworth K100 L6 10.0 (1984 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 L6 14.0 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 L6 14.6 (1981 - 1985)
Kenworth K100 L6 18.8 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 V8 12.1 (1981 - 1985)
Kenworth K100 V8 14.8 (1981 - 1981)
Kenworth K100E L6 10.0 (1985 - 1997)
Kenworth K100E L6 10.8 (1994 - 1999)
Kenworth K100E L6 12.7 (1988 - 2003)
Kenworth K100E L6 14.0 (1985 - 2002)
Kenworth K100E L6 14.6 (1985 - 1999)
Kenworth K100E L6 18.8 (1988 - 1988)
Kenworth K100E V6 9.0 (1985 - 1987)
Kenworth K100E V8 12.1 (1985 - 1989)
Kenworth L700 L6 10.0 (1980 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 L6 10.5 (1981 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 L6 14.0 (1980 - 1986)
Kenworth L700 L6 7.0 (1980 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1987)
Kenworth T2000 L6 10.3 (1998 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 10.8 (1997 - 2003)
Kenworth T2000 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2005)
Kenworth T2000 L6 12.0 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 12.7 (1997 - 2003)
Kenworth T2000 L6 14.0 (1997 - 2002)
Kenworth T2000 L6 14.6 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 15.0 (1999 - 2011)
Kenworth T400 L4 8.5 (1995 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.0 (1989 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.3 (1989 - 1997)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.5 (1989 - 1999)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.8 (1993 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 12.7 (1992 - 1992)
Kenworth T400A with Cummins L10 engine
Kenworth T450 L4 8.5 (1995 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.0 (1993 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.3 (1990 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.5 (1993 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.8 (1994 - 1996)
Kenworth T600A L4 8.5 (2001 - 2001)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.0 (1986 - 1998)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.3 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.5 (1986 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.8 (1994 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 11.1 (2005 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.0 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.5 (2005 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.7 (1987 - 2003)
Kenworth T600A L6 14.0 (1986 - 2002)
Kenworth T600A L6 14.6 (1986 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 15.0 (1999 - 2007)
Kenworth T660 L6 10.8 (2008 - 2015)
Kenworth T660 L6 11.9 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T660 L6 12.5 (2008 - 2013)
Kenworth T660 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2017)
Kenworth T660 L6 15.0 (2008 - 2008)
Kenworth T680 L6 11.9 (2014 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 L6 12.9 (2013 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 L6 15.0 (2013 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 with Cummins ISX 12G engine
Kenworth T680 with Cummins ISX engine
Kenworth T680 with Paccar MX-13 engine
Kenworth T700 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T700 L6 15.0 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.0 (1987 - 1999)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.3 (1989 - 2010)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.5 (1987 - 2000)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.8 (1994 - 2017)
Kenworth T800 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2011)
Kenworth T800 L6 11.9 (2011 - 2013)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.0 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.5 (2005 - 2012)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.7 (1987 - 2003)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2016)
Kenworth T800 L6 14.0 (1987 - 2002)
Kenworth T800 L6 14.6 (1987 - 2011)
Kenworth T800 L6 15.0 (1999 - 2016)
Kenworth T800 L6 15.8 (2000 - 2010)
Kenworth T800 L6 8.8 (2008 - 2014)
Kenworth T800 L6 8.9 (2002 - 2014)
Kenworth T800 V8 12.1 (1988 - 1991)
Kenworth T800 with Cummins Signiture 600 engine
Kenworth T880 L6 10.8 (2017 - 2018)
Kenworth T880 L6 11.9 (2015 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 L6 12.9 (2014 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 L6 15.0 (2015 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 with Cummins ISX15 engine
Kenworth W900 L6 10.3 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth W900 L6 10.5 (1983 - 1999)
Kenworth W900 L6 10.8 (1994 - 2011)
Kenworth W900 L6 12.7 (1988 - 2003)
Kenworth W900 L6 14.0 (1981 - 2003)
Kenworth W900 L6 14.6 (1981 - 2013)
Kenworth W900 V8 14.8 (1981 - 1981)
Kenworth W900 V8 18.0 (1981 - 1982)
Kioti CS2210 with Shibaura S773L engine
Kioti CS2410 with Shibaura S773L engine
Kioti CS2510 with Shibaura S773L engine
Komatsu 4D95LE-C2
Komatsu D31EX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu D31PX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu D37EX-21, D37PX-21 with SAA4D102E engine
Komatsu D37PX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu FG25ST-12 with Nissan engine
Komatsu FG30SHT with Nissan engine
Komatsu PC130-7 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC130-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu PC138US-2 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138US-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138USLC-2 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138USLC-8 with SAA4D95LE engine
Komatsu PC138USLC2-A with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC78MR-6 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu PC78US-6 with 4D95LE-C2 diesel engine
Komatsu PC88MR-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu S4D95LE-3A
Komatsu SAA4D95LE-5
Komatsu WA100M-5 with S4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA65-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA65-5 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu WA70-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA70-5, WA80-5 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu WA80-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Korvan 8000 Blueberry Harvester with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Korvan 9800 Blueberry Harvester with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Kubota B6100HST
Land Rover Discovery Sport L4 2.0 (2015 - 2017)
Land Rover LR2 L4 2.0 (2013 - 2015)
Land Rover Range Rover Evoque L4 2.0 (2012 - 2017)
Lexus ES250 V6 2.5 (1990 - 1991)
Lexus ES300 V6 3.0 (1992 - 2003)
Lexus ES330 V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Lexus GS300 L6 3.0 (1993 - 2005)
Lexus GS400 V8 4.0 (1998 - 2000)
Lexus GS430 V8 4.3 (2001 - 2007)
Lexus GX470 V8 4.7 (2003 - 2009)
Lexus IS300 L6 3.0 (2001 - 2005)
Lexus LS400 V8 4.0 (1990 - 2000)
Lexus LS430 V8 4.3 (2001 - 2006)
Lexus LX450 L6 4.5 (1997 - 1997)
Lexus LX470 V8 4.7 (1998 - 2007)
Lexus RX300 V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Lexus RX330 V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Lexus RX400h V6 3.3 (2006 - 2008)
Lexus SC300 L6 3.0 (1992 - 2000)
Lexus SC400 V8 4.0 (1992 - 2000)
Lexus SC430 V8 4.3 (2002 - 2010)
Lincoln MKC L4 2.0 (2015 - 2017)
Lincoln MKC L4 2.3 (2015 - 2017)
Lincoln MKT L4 2.0 (2013 - 2016)
Lincoln MKZ L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Lincoln MKZ L4 2.5 (2011 - 2012)
Lincoln Electric Air Advantage 500 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Lister Blackstone SRMGR
Lister Petter LOM1 G/R
Lister Petter SR1
Lister Petter SR2
Lister Petter SR3
Lister Petter ST1
Lister Petter ST2
Lister Petter ST3
Lister Petter TL2
Lister Petter TL3
Lister Petter TR1
Lister Petter TR2
Lister Petter TR3
Lister Petter TS1
Lister Petter TS2
Lister Petter TS3
Lister Petter TX2
Lister Petter TX3
Macdon M100 with Cummins QSB3.3 engine
Massey Ferguson 9220 Combine with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Massey Ferguson 9225 Combine with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Massey Ferguson MF9220 with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Mazda 3 L4 2.0 (2004 - 2013)
Mazda 3 L4 2.3 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 3 L4 2.5 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 3 Sport L4 2.0 (2009 - 2013)
Mazda 3 Sport L4 2.5 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 5 L4 2.3 (2009 - 2010)
Mazda 5 L4 2.5 (2012 - 2017)
Mazda 6 L4 2.5 (2009 - 2013)
Mazda B2300 L4 2.3 (2004 - 2010)
Mazda CX-7 L4 2.3 (2010 - 2012)
Mazda CX-7 L4 2.5 (2010 - 2012)
Mazda MX-5 Miata L4 2.0 (2006 - 2015)
Mazda Tribute L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Mazda Tribute L4 2.5 (2009 - 2011)
Mercury Mariner L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Mercury Mariner L4 2.5 (2009 - 2011)
Mercury Milan L4 2.3 (2006 - 2008)
Mercury Milan L4 2.5 (2010 - 2011)
Morgan 4/4 L4 1.6 (1990 - 1990)
Mustang 2066 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Mustang 2076 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Mustang 2086 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 1020 with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.0L 20 hp diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 1025 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.1L 26 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 1030 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 2035 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 3040 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 3045 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 3050, 3045 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 4055 with Shibaura diesel turbo engine
New Holland BOOMER 8N with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 50 hp engine
New Holland C175 with N844LT engine
New Holland C227 with Iveco engine
New Holland C232 with Iveco engine
New Holland C232, C238 with Iveco engine
New Holland C238 with Iveco engine
New Holland G6030 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland G6030 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland G6035 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland L140 with N843 engine
New Holland L140 with N843H engine
New Holland L150 with N843 engine
New Holland L150 with N843H engine
New Holland L160 with N844T engine
New Holland L170 with N844T engine
New Holland L175 with N844T engine
New Holland L213 with Cummins ISM N844 2.0L engine
New Holland L213 with Cummins ISM N844T 2.0L engine
New Holland L215 with Cummins ISM N844 2.0L engine
New Holland L215 with Cummins ISM N844T 2.0L engine
New Holland L218 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L218, L220 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L220 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L223 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L223, L225 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L225 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L230 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L250 with Onan B43G engine
New Holland LS140 with N843 engine
New Holland LS140 with N843H engine
New Holland LS150 with N843 engine
New Holland LS150 with N843H engine
New Holland LS160 with N844T engine
New Holland LS170 with N844T engine
New Holland MC35
New Holland T1010 with Shibaura S753 engine
New Holland T1030 with Shibaura S773L engine
New Holland T1110 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T1510 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T1520 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T2210 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland T2220 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland T2310 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland T2320 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland T2330 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 50 hp engine
New Holland TC-24D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TC-24DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TC-25 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 25 hp engine
New Holland TC-25D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 25 hp engine
New Holland TC-26DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.0L 26 hp diesel engine
New Holland TC-27D
New Holland TC-29 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-29D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-29DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-30
New Holland TC-30 with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.5L 30 hp diesel engine
New Holland TC-31DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland TC-33 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-33D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-33DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-34DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-35
New Holland TC-35A with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-35DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-40 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40D with Shibaura 4 cylinderdiesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40DA with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45D with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45DA with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC23DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TC24D
New Holland TT-45A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TT-50A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 48 hp engine
New Holland TZ-18A with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland TZ-18DA with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland TZ-22DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-22DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 22 hp engine
New Holland TZ-24DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-24DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TZ-25DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-25DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 25 hp engine
New Holland W50B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W50B TC, W60B TC, W70B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W60B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W70B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W80B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder 2.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 45, Workmaster 55
New Holland Workmaster 55 with Shibaura 4 cylinder 2.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 65 with 3.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 65, Workmaster 75 with 3.2Lengine
New Holland Workmaster 75 with 3.2Lengine
Onan B43E-GAO16
Onan B43G-GAO18
Onan B43M-GAO16
Onan B48M-GAO19.9
Onan B48M-GAO20
Onan BF
Onan BF Power Drawer
Onan BF, BFA, BGA, BGAL 4.0
Onan BG
Onan BGA
Onan BGAL 4.0
Onan BGD
Onan BGE
Onan BGM
Onan CCK
Onan Emerald I
Onan Emerald III
Onan Emerald Plus 4000, 5000
Onan Emerald Plus 6300, 6500
Onan Marquis 5000
Onan Marquis 6500, 7000
Onan MCE
Onan NH
Onan NH Power Drawer
Onan NH, NHD, NHDL, NHE, NHEL, NHM Emerald series
Onan NHL
Orchard Machinery Corporation SE180 Aftershock Elevator
Parks Industries HP2000 with Perkins 2 cylinder engine
Perkins 104.19
Plymouth Acclaim L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Plymouth Acclaim V6 3.0 (1989 - 1990)
Plymouth Breeze L4 2.0 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Breeze L4 2.4 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Caravelle L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Plymouth Caravelle L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Plymouth Expo L4 2.2 (1987 - 1989)
Plymouth Grand Voyager L4 2.4 (1996 - 1997)
Plymouth Grand Voyager L4 2.5 (1987 - 1988)
Plymouth Grand Voyager V6 3.0 (1987 - 1989)
Plymouth Grand Voyager V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Plymouth Horizon L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Horizon L4 1.7 (1978 - 1983)
Plymouth Horizon L4 2.2 (1981 - 1990)
Plymouth Neon L4 2.0 (1995 - 2001)
Plymouth Reliant L4 2.2 (1981 - 1989)
Plymouth Reliant L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Plymouth Scamp L4 2.2 (1983 - 1983)
Plymouth Sundance L4 2.2 (1987 - 1990)
Plymouth Sundance L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Plymouth TC3 L4 1.7 (1980 - 1982)
Plymouth TC3 L4 2.2 (1981 - 1982)
Plymouth Turismo L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Turismo L4 1.7 (1983 - 1983)
Plymouth Turismo L4 2.2 (1983 - 1987)
Plymouth Turismo 2.2 L4 2.2 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.4 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.5 (1987 - 1990)
Plymouth Voyager V6 3.0 (1987 - 1990)
Pontiac Firefly L3 1.0 (1985 - 2000)
Pontiac Firefly L4 1.3 (1994 - 2000)
Pontiac Vibe L4 1.8 (2005 - 2005)
Power Cube HC5100 with Caterpillar 0.5 engine
Power Cube HC5128-IV with Caterpillar engine
Power Tech PT-7CSi, PT-8CSi, PT-10CSi, PT-12CSi with Caterpillar 3011 engine
PowerPac (Powertech) with Cat. CO.5 engine
Read RD-150B with John Deere 3179D engine
Read RD-25B, RD-40B with Lister TX2 engine
Read RD-40B with Lister TX2 engine
Read RD-90B, RD-95B with Lister TX3 engine
Read with M2000, with M2005 with Lister TX3 engine
Read with M3000, with M3500 with John Deere 3179D engine
Rosco Manufacturing Company RB48 Sprayer with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Saab 9-3 L4 2.0 (1999 - 2003)
Saab 9-3 L4 2.3 (1999 - 2002)
Saab 9-5 L4 2.3 (1999 - 2009)
Saab 9-5 V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Saab 900 L4 2.0 (1979 - 1998)
Saab 900 L4 2.1 (1991 - 1994)
Saab 900 L4 2.3 (1994 - 1998)
Saab 9000 L4 2.0 (1986 - 1990)
Saab 9000 L4 2.3 (1990 - 1998)
Saab 95 L3 0.8 (1961 - 1968)
Saab 95 V4 1.5 (1967 - 1970)
Saab 95 V4 1.7 (1971 - 1973)
Saab 96 L3 0.8 (1961 - 1968)
Saab 96 V4 1.5 (1967 - 1970)
Saab 96 V4 1.7 (1972 - 1973)
Saab 96 Sport L3 0.8 (1961 - 1965)
Saab 99 L4 1.7 (1969 - 1970)
Saab 99 L4 2.0 (1972 - 1980)
Saab Monte Carlo L3 0.8 (1965 - 1967)
Saab Monte Carlo V4 1.5 (1967 - 1967)
Saab Shrike L3 0.8 (1967 - 1968)
Saab Sonett L3 0.8 (1967 - 1968)
Saab Sonett V4 1.5 (1968 - 1969)
Saab Sonett V4 1.7 (1970 - 1974)
Sakai SV201 with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201D with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201T with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201TB with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201TF with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV400 - 1 with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400D with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400T with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400TB with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400TF with Cummins B3.3T engine
Saturn SC L4 1.9 (1991 - 1992)
Saturn SC1 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2002)
Saturn SC2 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2002)
Saturn SL L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SL1 L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SL2 L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SW1 L4 1.9 (1993 - 1999)
Saturn SW2 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2001)
Seat Altea/XL, Freetrack 1.4 16V (5P1) with BUD engine 10/06 -
Seat Inca 1.4 16V (9KSF) with APE engine 4/00 - 2/04 (2000 - 2004)
Seat Inca 1.4I with AEX engine (1995 - 2004)
Simplicity Axion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 18.5 hp engine
Simplicity Axion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 20 & 24 hp engines
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 18 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Champion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Citation with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 21 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Citation with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 23 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Conquest with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 21 & 23 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Land Lord with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 H.P & 18 hp engines
Simplicity Regent with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20, 22 & 24 hp engines
Simplicity ZT 3000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 24 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity ZT 3000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Steiner Model 420 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin engine
Steiner Model 425 with Onan Performer P224G 24 hp Twin engine
Sullair 185 with Caterpillar C2.2 diesel engine
Suzuki Esteem L4 1.6 (1995 - 2001)
Suzuki Forsa L3 1.0 (1985 - 1988)
Suzuki SA310 L3 1.0 (1985 - 1985)
Suzuki Sidekick L4 1.6 (1995 - 1998)
Suzuki SJ410 L3 1.0 (1980 - 1982)
Suzuki SJ410 L4 1.0 (1983 - 1985)
Suzuki SJ413 L4 1.3 (1985 - 1985)
Suzuki Swift L3 1.0 (1992 - 1994)
Suzuki Swift L4 1.3 (1995 - 2000)
Suzuki Swift L4 1.6 (1992 - 1993)
Suzuki X-90 L4 1.6 (1996 - 1998)
Swinger 2K Loader with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Swinger 3K Loader with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Terex TH522C turbo with Cummins B3.3L turbo diesel engine
Toro 416H with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Toro 520 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp engine
Toro Wheel Horse tractor 73501520H with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin
Toro ZX5000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 22 hp v-twin engine
Toyota 02-2FDC20, 20-2FDC25 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD10 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD10 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD14 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD14 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD15 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD15 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD18 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD18 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FG10 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG10 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG14 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG14 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG15 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG15 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG18 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG18 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG20 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 02-5FG23 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 02-5FG25 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 42-5FG10 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota 42-5FG14, 42-5FG15, 42-5FG18, 42-5FG28, 42-5FG30 with Toyota 4Y
Gas engine
Toyota 42-5FG25 with Toyota 4Y engine
Toyota 42-6FGC25 with Toyota 4Y diesel engine
Toyota 42-6FGCU25 with Toyota 4Y diesel engine
Toyota 4FD20, 4FD23, 4FD25 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 4Runner L4 2.4 (1984 - 1995)
Toyota 4Runner L4 2.7 (1996 - 2010)
Toyota 4Runner V6 3.0 (1988 - 1995)
Toyota 4Runner V6 3.4 (1996 - 2002)
Toyota 4Runner V6 4.0 (2003 - 2009)
Toyota 4Runner V8 4.7 (2003 - 2009)
Toyota 52 - 6FGCU45 with General Motors V6 - 4.3L engine
Toyota 5FGC10, 5FGC13, 5FGC15 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 5FGC10, 5FGC13, 5FGC15 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota 7FDU30 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 7FGCU20 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota Avalon V6 3.0 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Camry V6 2.5 (1988 - 1991)
Toyota Camry V6 3.0 (1992 - 2006)
Toyota Camry V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Toyota Celica L4 1.8 (2002 - 2002)
Toyota Celica L4 2.0 (1988 - 1989)
Toyota Celica L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Celica L4 2.4 (1981 - 1985)
Toyota Celica L6 2.6 (1979 - 1980)
Toyota Celica L6 2.8 (1981 - 1986)
Toyota Corona L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Corona L4 2.4 (1981 - 1982)
Toyota Cressida L6 2.6 (1978 - 1980)
Toyota Cressida L6 2.8 (1981 - 1988)
Toyota Cressida L6 3.0 (1989 - 1992)
Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0 (2007 - 2009)
Toyota Hiace with 2.0 1RZ engine (1989 - 1995)
Toyota Hiace with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Hiace IV with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Hiace IV 4WD with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Highlander V6 3.0 (2001 - 2003)
Toyota Highlander V6 3.3 (2004 - 2010)
Toyota Land Cruiser L6 4.5 (1996 - 1997)
Toyota Land Cruiser V8 4.7 (1998 - 2007)
Toyota Pickup L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Pickup L4 2.4 (1981 - 1995)
Toyota Pickup V6 3.0 (1988 - 1995)
Toyota Previa L4 2.4 (1991 - 1997)
Toyota Sequoia V8 4.7 (2001 - 2009)
Toyota Sienna V6 3.0 (1998 - 2003)
Toyota Sienna V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Toyota Solara V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Toyota Solara V6 3.3 (2004 - 2008)
Toyota Supra L6 3.0 (1986 - 1998)
Toyota T100 L4 2.7 (1994 - 1998)
Toyota T100 V6 3.0 (1993 - 1994)
Toyota T100 V6 3.4 (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Tacoma L4 2.4 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Tacoma L4 2.7 (1995 - 2017)
Toyota Tacoma V6 3.4 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Tacoma V6 4.0 (2005 - 2015)
Toyota Tundra V6 3.4 (2000 - 2004)
Toyota Tundra V6 4.0 (2005 - 2011)
Toyota Tundra V8 4.7 (2000 - 2009)
Universal M15
Vermeer BC1000XL Chipper with Cummins B3.3L turbo diesel engine
Vermeer BC1200XL with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Vermeer HG200 horizontal Grinder with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AEX engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AKV engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 APQ engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AUA engine (2000 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AUD engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.6 1F engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.6 AEE engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Jetta L4 1.4 (2013 - 2017)
Volkswagen Routan V6 3.8 (2009 - 2010)
Volvo Penta 2001
Volvo Penta 2001B
Volvo Penta 2002
Volvo Penta 2002B
Volvo Penta 2003
Volvo Penta 2003B
Volvo Penta 2003T
Volvo Penta 2003TB
Volvo Penta AQD2B
Volvo Penta HS1
Volvo Penta HS1A
Volvo Penta MD1
Volvo Penta MD11C
Volvo Penta MD11D
Volvo Penta MD17C
Volvo Penta MD17D
Volvo Penta MD1B
Volvo Penta MD2
Volvo Penta MD2B
Volvo Penta MD3
Volvo Penta MD3B
Volvo Penta MD5
Volvo Penta MD5A
Volvo Penta MD5B
Volvo Penta MD5C
Volvo Penta MD6
Volvo Penta MD6A
Volvo Penta MD6B
Volvo Penta MD7
Volvo Penta MD7A
Volvo Penta MD7B
White lawn tractor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 18 hp v-twin engine
White ZT42 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 18.5 hp engine
White ZT50 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 20 hp v-twin engine
White ZT54 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Winpower TD14L4-J, TDR9L4-J with Lister ST-2 engine
Yamaha F150 DOHC 4-stroke (2004 - 2017)
Yamaha F175 EFI DOHC 4-stroke (2014 - 2017)
Yamaha F200 DOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2017)
Yamaha F225 DOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2009)
Yamaha F250 EFI DOHC 4-stroke (2005 - 2006)
Yamaha VF150 VMAX SHO 4-stroke (2014 - 2017)
Yamaha VF175 VMAX SHO 4-stroke (2015 - 2017)
Yugo Cabrio L4 1.3 (1990 - 1992)
Yugo GV L4 1.1 (1986 - 1989)
Yugo GV L4 1.3 (1990 - 1992)
Yugo GVL L4 1.1 (1988 - 1989)
Yugo GVS L4 1.1 (1988 - 1988)
Yugo GVX L4 1.3 (1987 - 1989)
Fram Filters | Fram Oil Filters
Agco 9330 Windrower with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Agco 9340 Windrower
Alfa Romeo 164 V6 3.0 (1994 - 1995)
Asuna GT L4 1.6 (1993 - 1993)
Asuna SE L4 1.6 (1993 - 1993)
Audi A3 Sportback E-Tron L4 1.4 (2016 - 2017)
Bobcat 732 with Ford 4-98 engine
Bobcat 742 with Ford 4-98 engine
Bobcat 752
Branson 6530, 6530C, 6530R with Cummins B3.3 engine
Briggs and Stratton 261700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 28P700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 28Q700 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 290400 series 12.5 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 294400 series 14 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 294700 series 14 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 303400 series 16 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 303700 series 16 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 350400 series 18 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 350700 series 18 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 351700 series 20 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 380400 series 23 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 381400 series 21 hp v-twin
Briggs and Stratton 400400 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 400700 series 14 hp
Briggs and Stratton 402400 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 402700 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 403400 series 16 hp
Briggs and Stratton 422400 series 18 hp
Briggs and Stratton 422700 series 18 hp
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Kawasaki 14 hp engine
Bunton BHT36, BHT48, BHT52, BHT61 with Kohler Command 14 hp engine
Carrier-Transicold Solara with CT2-29TV Tri Vecter engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 422 with CT2-29 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 550 with CT2-29 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 622, 722 with CT3-44 engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 644, 744 with CT3-44TV engine
Carrier-Transicold Supra 650, 750, 850 with CT3-44 engine
CASE 410 with 422/M2 engine
CASE 410 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE 410 with 422T/M3 engine
CASE 420 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE 420,420CT with 422T/M2 Tier 2 engine
CASE 420CT with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SR130 with 420/M3 engine
CASE SR130, SR150 with ISM N844 series engine
CASE SR150 with 420T/M3 engine
CASE SR175 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SV185 with 422T/M2 engine
CASE SV208 with Cummins QSB3.3L engine
CASE SV210 with Cummins QSB3.3L engine
Case International DX18E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX21 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX22E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX23 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX24 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX24E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX25 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX25E with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX26 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX29 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX31 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX33 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX34 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX35 with Shibaura 3 cylinder engine
Case International DX40 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX48 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International DX55 with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Case International Farmall 31 with Shibaura 1.5L engine
Case International Farmall 35B with Mitsubishi S4L2 engine
Case International Farmall 40B with Mitsubishi S4Q2 engine
Case International Farmall 45 with Shibaura 2.2L engine
Case International Farmall 45A with Shibaura ISM844 engine
Case International Farmall 50 with Shibaura 2.2L engine
Case International Farmall 55A with Shibaura 4 cylinder engine
Caterpillar 216B with Caterpillar 3024C diesel engine
Caterpillar 216B, 226B with 3024C engine
Caterpillar 216B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 216B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 226B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 226B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 226B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 226B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 232B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 232B, 242B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 242B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 247B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 247B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 247B3 with C2.2 diesel engine
Caterpillar 247B3 with C2.2 engine
Caterpillar 257B with 3024CT diesel engine
Caterpillar 257B with 3024CT engine
Caterpillar 304CR with 3044C engine
Caterpillar CB214E, CB224E, CB225E with 3013C engine
Caterpillar CB224D 3013 engine
Caterpillar CB225D 3013 engine
Caterpillar CB334D 3014 engine
Caterpillar CB335D 3014 engine
Chevrolet Metro L3 1.0 (1998 - 2000)
Chevrolet Metro L4 1.3 (1992 - 2001)
Chevrolet Sprint L3 1.0 (1985 - 1992)
Chevrolet Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1999)
Chrysler Cirrus L4 2.0 (2000 - 2000)
Chrysler Cirrus L4 2.4 (1995 - 2000)
Chrysler Daytona L4 2.2 (1984 - 1990)
Chrysler Daytona L4 2.5 (1987 - 1990)
Chrysler Daytona V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty V6 3.0 (1988 - 1990)
Chrysler Dynasty V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler E Class L4 2.2 (1983 - 1984)
Chrysler Executive Limousine L4 2.2 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler Executive Limousine L4 2.5 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler Imperial V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Laser L4 2.2 (1984 - 1986)
Chrysler Laser L4 2.5 (1986 - 1986)
Chrysler LeBaron L4 2.2 (1982 - 1990)
Chrysler LeBaron L4 2.5 (1986 - 1990)
Chrysler LeBaron V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Neon L4 2.0 (2000 - 2002)
Chrysler New Yorker L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Chrysler New Yorker L4 2.5 (1986 - 1987)
Chrysler New Yorker V6 3.0 (1988 - 1989)
Chrysler New Yorker V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Pacifica V6 3.8 (2008 - 2008)
Chrysler PT Cruiser L4 2.4 (2001 - 2010)
Chrysler Sebring L4 2.4 (1996 - 2006)
Chrysler TC Maserati L4 2.2 (1989 - 1990)
Chrysler TC Maserati V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Chrysler Town & Country L4 2.2 (1982 - 1988)
Chrysler Town & Country L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 3.3 (1990 - 2010)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 3.8 (2007 - 2010)
Chrysler Town & Country V6 4.0 (2010 - 2010)
Chrysler Voyager L4 2.4 (2000 - 2003)
Club Car XRT950 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 14 HP engine 480cc
Columbia Parcar Scout S10G 391cc
Columbia Parcar Shuttle C6G 391cc
Columbia Parcar Tram C10G 391cc
Craftsman 917.20380 with Briggs and Stratton 19 hp engine
Craftsman 917.204070 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.204080 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276680 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276681 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276682 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Craftsman 917.276683 with Briggs and Stratton 24 hp v-twin engine
Cub Cadet 4816 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Cub Cadet 5416, 5418 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Cub Cadet 6284D with Caterpillar engine
Cub Cadet XT2 Enduro series with Kawasaki FR series engine
Cummins B3.3 3.3L
Cummins B3.3L engine
Cummins B3.3T
Cummins QSB 3.3L
Daewoo 450 PLUS, 460 PLUS with Cummins B3.3L engine
Daewoo 470 PLUS with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Daewoo D20G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D20S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D25G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D25S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D30G with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D30S-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Daewoo D35C-5 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Deutz TD2009
Deutz-Allis 1616
Deutz-Allis 1814
Deutz-Allis 1816
Deutz-Allis 3016
Deutz-Allis FC1316
Dig-R-Mobil 80 Onan CCK engine
Ditch Witch FX60 with Cummins B3.3l engine
Ditch Witch JT1220 Mach 1 with Cummins B3.3l engine
Ditch Witch JT2020 Mach 1 with Cummins B3.3L engine
Dodge 400 L4 2.2 (1982 - 1983)
Dodge 600 L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Dodge 600 L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Dodge Aries L4 2.2 (1981 - 1989)
Dodge Aries L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Dodge B150 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge B250 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.4 (1996 - 2007)
Dodge Caravan L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan V6 3.0 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Caravan V6 3.3 (1990 - 2007)
Dodge Charger L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Dodge Charger L4 1.7 (1983 - 1983)
Dodge Charger L4 2.2 (1983 - 1987)
Dodge D100 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1989)
Dodge D150 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge D250 V6 3.9 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dakota L4 2.2 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Dakota L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Dakota V6 3.9 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona L4 2.2 (1984 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona L4 2.5 (1986 - 1990)
Dodge Daytona V6 3.0 (1990 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty V6 3.0 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Dynasty V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Dodge Grand Caravan L4 2.4 (1996 - 1997)
Dodge Grand Caravan L4 2.5 (1987 - 1989)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.0 (1987 - 1989)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.3 (1990 - 2010)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 3.8 (2007 - 2010)
Dodge Grand Caravan V6 4.0 (2010 - 2010)
Dodge Lancer L4 2.2 (1985 - 1989)
Dodge Lancer L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Dodge Mini Ram L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Dodge Mini Ram L4 2.5 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Mini Ram V6 3.0 (1987 - 1988)
Dodge Neon L4 2.0 (1995 - 2005)
Dodge Omni L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Dodge Omni L4 1.7 (1979 - 1983)
Dodge Omni L4 2.2 (1981 - 1990)
Dodge Rampage L4 2.2 (1982 - 1984)
Dodge Shadow L4 2.2 (1987 - 1990)
Dodge Shadow L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Dodge Spirit L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Spirit V6 3.0 (1989 - 1990)
Dodge Stratus L4 2.0 (1995 - 2006)
Dodge Stratus L4 2.4 (1995 - 2006)
Dodge SX 2.0 L4 2.0 (2003 - 2005)
Dodge W100 V6 3.9 (1989 - 1989)
Dodge W150 V6 3.9 (1989 - 1990)
Dynapac CA-150 with Cummins 4BT 3.9 engine
Dynapac PL350S with Cummins B3.3l engine
E Zon Model I with Caterpillar 3011C engine
E Zon Model I with Perkins 403C-11 engine
E Zon Model II with Caterpillar 0.5 engine
E Zon Model II with Perkins 402C-05 engine
E-Z-GO ST 480 480cc
Exmark Metro M48 - 16BV-5 with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Metro M52 - 16BV-5 with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Turf Tracer TT16BV, TTH16BV with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Viking V4816BVH with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Exmark Viking V5216BVH with Briggs and Stratton 16 hp engine
Ferris Industries IS 4500Z with Caterpillar 3011 1000cc diesel engine
Ford C-Max L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Crown Victoria V8 4.6 (2009 - 2011)
Ford Edge L4 2.0 (2012 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 1.5 (2017 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 1.6 (2013 - 2016)
Ford Escape L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Escape L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Ford Escape L4 2.5 (2009 - 2017)
Ford Explorer L4 2.0 (2012 - 2015)
Ford Explorer L4 2.3 (2016 - 2017)
Ford Fiesta L3 1.0 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Fiesta L4 1.6 (2006 - 2017)
Ford Focus L3 1.0 (2015 - 2017)
Ford Focus L4 2.0 (2005 - 2017)
Ford Focus L4 2.3 (2003 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 1.5 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 1.6 (2013 - 2014)
Ford Fusion L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Fusion L4 2.3 (2006 - 2008)
Ford Fusion L4 2.5 (2010 - 2017)
Ford Mustang L4 2.3 (2015 - 2017)
Ford Ranger L4 2.3 (2004 - 2011)
Ford Special Service Police Sedan L4 2.0 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Taurus L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Ford Transit Connect L4 1.6 (2014 - 2017)
Ford Transit Connect L4 2.0 (2010 - 2013)
Ford Transit Connect L4 2.5 (2014 - 2018)
Freightliner 108SD L6 8.9 (2014 - 2017)
Freightliner 108SD with Cummins ISL9 engine
Gehl RS5 - 19 with Deutz TD2009 diesel engine
Gehl RS519 with Deutz TP2009 engine
Generac Eco Gen 6KW with 18 hpengine
Generac GP15000E with 30 hp engine
Generac GP17000E with 30 hp engine
Generac XG10000E with 18 hp engine
Generac XP10000E with 18 hp engine
Geo Metro L3 1.0 (1989 - 1997)
Geo Metro L4 1.3 (1992 - 1997)
Geo Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1997)
GMC Tracker L4 1.6 (1989 - 1991)
Grasshopper 718 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Grasshopper 720 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin
Grimmer Schmidt 185DR with Cummins B3.3L engine
Harlan Corp HLP30 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP40 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP50 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HLP60 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP30 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP40 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP50 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlan Corp HTLP60 with Cummins 4B3.3L diesel engine
Harlo HD4500 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Hesston 9230 Windrower with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Husqvarna GT-160 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Husqvarna GT-180 with Briggs and Stratton engine
Hustler 3500 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
Hustler 3700 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
Idle Solutions Idle Solutions with Perkins 403C-11 engine
Ingersoll-Rand 1114
Ingersoll-Rand 1214
Ingersoll-Rand 3016 PS with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 3018 PS with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 3118 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4016 PS with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4016 with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4018 PS with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4020 PS with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4118 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 4120 with Onan engine
Ingersoll-Rand 6018 with Onan Performer P218G 18 hp Twin engine
Ingersoll-Rand 646
Ingersoll-Rand PT125R with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Iveco F5CE
Jacobsen Turf Cat with Onan engine
Jaguar F-Pace L4 2.0 (2017 - 2017)
Jaguar XE L4 2.0 (2017 - 2017)
Jaguar XF L4 2.0 (2013 - 2015)
JCB 1CX with Perkins 404C22 Tier 3 engine
JCB 1CX with Perkins 404D22 Tier 3 engine
Jeep Liberty L4 2.4 (2002 - 2005)
Jeep TJ L4 2.4 (2003 - 2006)
Jeep Wrangler L4 2.4 (2003 - 2006)
Jeep Wrangler V6 3.8 (2007 - 2011)
John Deere 14 with Onan 25 hp engine
John Deere 70 with Onan 25 HP Gas engine
Johnson 25 hp 3 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2000 - 2007)
Johnson 30 hp 3 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2000 - 2006)
Johnson 40 hp 3 - cylinder DOHC 4-stroke (1999 - 2006)
Johnson 50 hp 3 - cylinder DOHC 4-stroke (1999 - 2006)
Johnson 60 hp 4 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2006)
Johnson 70 hp 4 - cylinder SOHC 4-stroke (2001 - 2006)
Kee HVG48161 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp engine
Kee HVG52161 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp engine
Kee HVG61201 with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20 hp engine
Kenworth C500 L6 10.0 (1984 - 1998)
Kenworth C500 L6 10.5 (1981 - 1994)
Kenworth C500 L6 10.8 (1996 - 2012)
Kenworth C500 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2008)
Kenworth C500 L6 12.5 (2005 - 2011)
Kenworth C500 L6 12.7 (1989 - 2003)
Kenworth C500 L6 14.0 (1981 - 2002)
Kenworth C500 L6 14.6 (1981 - 1999)
Kenworth C500 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1989)
Kenworth C500 V8 12.1 (1981 - 1988)
Kenworth C540 L6 14.0 (1990 - 1993)
Kenworth C540 V8 18.0 (1988 - 1988)
Kenworth C550 L6 10.0 (1986 - 1989)
Kenworth C550 L6 10.5 (1985 - 1990)
Kenworth C550 L6 12.7 (1994 - 1994)
Kenworth C550 L6 14.0 (1986 - 1994)
Kenworth C550 L6 14.6 (1986 - 1994)
Kenworth K100 L6 10.0 (1984 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 L6 14.0 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 L6 14.6 (1981 - 1985)
Kenworth K100 L6 18.8 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1984)
Kenworth K100 V8 12.1 (1981 - 1985)
Kenworth K100 V8 14.8 (1981 - 1981)
Kenworth K100E L6 10.0 (1985 - 1997)
Kenworth K100E L6 10.8 (1994 - 1999)
Kenworth K100E L6 12.7 (1988 - 2003)
Kenworth K100E L6 14.0 (1985 - 2002)
Kenworth K100E L6 14.6 (1985 - 1999)
Kenworth K100E L6 18.8 (1988 - 1988)
Kenworth K100E V6 9.0 (1985 - 1987)
Kenworth K100E V8 12.1 (1985 - 1989)
Kenworth L700 L6 10.0 (1980 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 L6 10.5 (1981 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 L6 14.0 (1980 - 1986)
Kenworth L700 L6 7.0 (1980 - 1987)
Kenworth L700 V6 9.0 (1981 - 1987)
Kenworth T2000 L6 10.3 (1998 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 10.8 (1997 - 2003)
Kenworth T2000 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2005)
Kenworth T2000 L6 12.0 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 12.7 (1997 - 2003)
Kenworth T2000 L6 14.0 (1997 - 2002)
Kenworth T2000 L6 14.6 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth T2000 L6 15.0 (1999 - 2011)
Kenworth T400 L4 8.5 (1995 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.0 (1989 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.3 (1989 - 1997)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.5 (1989 - 1999)
Kenworth T400 L6 10.8 (1993 - 1998)
Kenworth T400 L6 12.7 (1992 - 1992)
Kenworth T400A with Cummins L10 engine
Kenworth T450 L4 8.5 (1995 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.0 (1993 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.3 (1990 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.5 (1993 - 1996)
Kenworth T450 L6 10.8 (1994 - 1996)
Kenworth T600A L4 8.5 (2001 - 2001)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.0 (1986 - 1998)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.3 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.5 (1986 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 10.8 (1994 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 11.1 (2005 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.0 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.5 (2005 - 2007)
Kenworth T600A L6 12.7 (1987 - 2003)
Kenworth T600A L6 14.0 (1986 - 2002)
Kenworth T600A L6 14.6 (1986 - 1999)
Kenworth T600A L6 15.0 (1999 - 2007)
Kenworth T660 L6 10.8 (2008 - 2015)
Kenworth T660 L6 11.9 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T660 L6 12.5 (2008 - 2013)
Kenworth T660 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2017)
Kenworth T660 L6 15.0 (2008 - 2008)
Kenworth T680 L6 11.9 (2014 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 L6 12.9 (2013 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 L6 15.0 (2013 - 2017)
Kenworth T680 with Cummins ISX 12G engine
Kenworth T680 with Cummins ISX engine
Kenworth T680 with Paccar MX-13 engine
Kenworth T700 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T700 L6 15.0 (2011 - 2015)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.0 (1987 - 1999)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.3 (1989 - 2010)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.5 (1987 - 2000)
Kenworth T800 L6 10.8 (1994 - 2017)
Kenworth T800 L6 11.1 (2005 - 2011)
Kenworth T800 L6 11.9 (2011 - 2013)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.0 (1996 - 1999)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.5 (2005 - 2012)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.7 (1987 - 2003)
Kenworth T800 L6 12.9 (2011 - 2016)
Kenworth T800 L6 14.0 (1987 - 2002)
Kenworth T800 L6 14.6 (1987 - 2011)
Kenworth T800 L6 15.0 (1999 - 2016)
Kenworth T800 L6 15.8 (2000 - 2010)
Kenworth T800 L6 8.8 (2008 - 2014)
Kenworth T800 L6 8.9 (2002 - 2014)
Kenworth T800 V8 12.1 (1988 - 1991)
Kenworth T800 with Cummins Signiture 600 engine
Kenworth T880 L6 10.8 (2017 - 2018)
Kenworth T880 L6 11.9 (2015 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 L6 12.9 (2014 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 L6 15.0 (2015 - 2016)
Kenworth T880 with Cummins ISX15 engine
Kenworth W900 L6 10.3 (1997 - 1999)
Kenworth W900 L6 10.5 (1983 - 1999)
Kenworth W900 L6 10.8 (1994 - 2011)
Kenworth W900 L6 12.7 (1988 - 2003)
Kenworth W900 L6 14.0 (1981 - 2003)
Kenworth W900 L6 14.6 (1981 - 2013)
Kenworth W900 V8 14.8 (1981 - 1981)
Kenworth W900 V8 18.0 (1981 - 1982)
Kioti CS2210 with Shibaura S773L engine
Kioti CS2410 with Shibaura S773L engine
Kioti CS2510 with Shibaura S773L engine
Komatsu 4D95LE-C2
Komatsu D31EX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu D31PX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu D37EX-21, D37PX-21 with SAA4D102E engine
Komatsu D37PX-22 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu FG25ST-12 with Nissan engine
Komatsu FG30SHT with Nissan engine
Komatsu PC130-7 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC130-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu PC138US-2 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138US-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138USLC-2 with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC138USLC-8 with SAA4D95LE engine
Komatsu PC138USLC2-A with SAA4D95LE-5 3.2L turbo diesel engine
Komatsu PC78MR-6 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu PC78US-6 with 4D95LE-C2 diesel engine
Komatsu PC88MR-8 with SAA4D95LE-5 engine
Komatsu S4D95LE-3A
Komatsu SAA4D95LE-5
Komatsu WA100M-5 with S4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA65-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA65-5 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu WA70-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Komatsu WA70-5, WA80-5 with S4D95LE-3A diesel engine
Komatsu WA80-5 with 4D95-LE3 engine
Korvan 8000 Blueberry Harvester with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Korvan 9800 Blueberry Harvester with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Kubota B6100HST
Land Rover Discovery Sport L4 2.0 (2015 - 2017)
Land Rover LR2 L4 2.0 (2013 - 2015)
Land Rover Range Rover Evoque L4 2.0 (2012 - 2017)
Lexus ES250 V6 2.5 (1990 - 1991)
Lexus ES300 V6 3.0 (1992 - 2003)
Lexus ES330 V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Lexus GS300 L6 3.0 (1993 - 2005)
Lexus GS400 V8 4.0 (1998 - 2000)
Lexus GS430 V8 4.3 (2001 - 2007)
Lexus GX470 V8 4.7 (2003 - 2009)
Lexus IS300 L6 3.0 (2001 - 2005)
Lexus LS400 V8 4.0 (1990 - 2000)
Lexus LS430 V8 4.3 (2001 - 2006)
Lexus LX450 L6 4.5 (1997 - 1997)
Lexus LX470 V8 4.7 (1998 - 2007)
Lexus RX300 V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Lexus RX330 V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Lexus RX400h V6 3.3 (2006 - 2008)
Lexus SC300 L6 3.0 (1992 - 2000)
Lexus SC400 V8 4.0 (1992 - 2000)
Lexus SC430 V8 4.3 (2002 - 2010)
Lincoln MKC L4 2.0 (2015 - 2017)
Lincoln MKC L4 2.3 (2015 - 2017)
Lincoln MKT L4 2.0 (2013 - 2016)
Lincoln MKZ L4 2.0 (2013 - 2017)
Lincoln MKZ L4 2.5 (2011 - 2012)
Lincoln Electric Air Advantage 500 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Lister Blackstone SRMGR
Lister Petter LOM1 G/R
Lister Petter SR1
Lister Petter SR2
Lister Petter SR3
Lister Petter ST1
Lister Petter ST2
Lister Petter ST3
Lister Petter TL2
Lister Petter TL3
Lister Petter TR1
Lister Petter TR2
Lister Petter TR3
Lister Petter TS1
Lister Petter TS2
Lister Petter TS3
Lister Petter TX2
Lister Petter TX3
Macdon M100 with Cummins QSB3.3 engine
Massey Ferguson 9220 Combine with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Massey Ferguson 9225 Combine with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Massey Ferguson MF9220 with Cummins B3.3T diesel engine
Mazda 3 L4 2.0 (2004 - 2013)
Mazda 3 L4 2.3 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 3 L4 2.5 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 3 Sport L4 2.0 (2009 - 2013)
Mazda 3 Sport L4 2.5 (2010 - 2013)
Mazda 5 L4 2.3 (2009 - 2010)
Mazda 5 L4 2.5 (2012 - 2017)
Mazda 6 L4 2.5 (2009 - 2013)
Mazda B2300 L4 2.3 (2004 - 2010)
Mazda CX-7 L4 2.3 (2010 - 2012)
Mazda CX-7 L4 2.5 (2010 - 2012)
Mazda MX-5 Miata L4 2.0 (2006 - 2015)
Mazda Tribute L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Mazda Tribute L4 2.5 (2009 - 2011)
Mercury Mariner L4 2.3 (2005 - 2008)
Mercury Mariner L4 2.5 (2009 - 2011)
Mercury Milan L4 2.3 (2006 - 2008)
Mercury Milan L4 2.5 (2010 - 2011)
Morgan 4/4 L4 1.6 (1990 - 1990)
Mustang 2066 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Mustang 2076 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Mustang 2086 with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 1020 with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.0L 20 hp diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 1025 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.1L 26 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 1030 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 2035 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 3040 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 3045 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland Boomer 3050, 3045 with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland Boomer 4055 with Shibaura diesel turbo engine
New Holland BOOMER 8N with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 50 hp engine
New Holland C175 with N844LT engine
New Holland C227 with Iveco engine
New Holland C232 with Iveco engine
New Holland C232, C238 with Iveco engine
New Holland C238 with Iveco engine
New Holland G6030 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland G6030 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland G6035 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland L140 with N843 engine
New Holland L140 with N843H engine
New Holland L150 with N843 engine
New Holland L150 with N843H engine
New Holland L160 with N844T engine
New Holland L170 with N844T engine
New Holland L175 with N844T engine
New Holland L213 with Cummins ISM N844 2.0L engine
New Holland L213 with Cummins ISM N844T 2.0L engine
New Holland L215 with Cummins ISM N844 2.0L engine
New Holland L215 with Cummins ISM N844T 2.0L engine
New Holland L218 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L218, L220 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L220 with Cummins ISM N844LT 2.2L engine
New Holland L223 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L223, L225 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L225 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L230 with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland L250 with Onan B43G engine
New Holland LS140 with N843 engine
New Holland LS140 with N843H engine
New Holland LS150 with N843 engine
New Holland LS150 with N843H engine
New Holland LS160 with N844T engine
New Holland LS170 with N844T engine
New Holland MC35
New Holland T1010 with Shibaura S753 engine
New Holland T1030 with Shibaura S773L engine
New Holland T1110 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T1510 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T1520 with Shibaura engine
New Holland T2210 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland T2220 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland T2310 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland T2320 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland T2330 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 50 hp engine
New Holland TC-24D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TC-24DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TC-25 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 25 hp engine
New Holland TC-25D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 25 hp engine
New Holland TC-26DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.0L 26 hp diesel engine
New Holland TC-27D
New Holland TC-29 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-29D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-29DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.3L 29 hp engine
New Holland TC-30
New Holland TC-30 with Shibaura 3 cylinder 1.5L 30 hp diesel engine
New Holland TC-31DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 31 hp engine
New Holland TC-33 with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-33D with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-33DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.5L 33 hp engine
New Holland TC-34DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-35
New Holland TC-35A with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-35DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.7L 35 hp engine
New Holland TC-40 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40D with Shibaura 4 cylinderdiesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-40DA with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TC-45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45D with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC-45DA with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 45 hp engine
New Holland TC23DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TC24D
New Holland TT-45A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.0L 40 hp engine
New Holland TT-50A with Shibaura 4 cylinder diesel 2.2L 48 hp engine
New Holland TZ-18A with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland TZ-18DA with Shibaura diesel engine
New Holland TZ-22DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-22DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 22 hp engine
New Holland TZ-24DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-24DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 24 hp engine
New Holland TZ-25DA with Cummins ISM 3/61 diesel engine
New Holland TZ-25DA with Shibaura 3 cylinder diesel 1.0L 25 hp engine
New Holland W50B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W50B TC, W60B TC, W70B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W60B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W70B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland W80B TC with Iveco F5CE 3.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 45 with Shibaura 4 cylinder 2.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 45, Workmaster 55
New Holland Workmaster 55 with Shibaura 4 cylinder 2.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 65 with 3.2L engine
New Holland Workmaster 65, Workmaster 75 with 3.2Lengine
New Holland Workmaster 75 with 3.2Lengine
Onan B43E-GAO16
Onan B43G-GAO18
Onan B43M-GAO16
Onan B48M-GAO19.9
Onan B48M-GAO20
Onan BF
Onan BF Power Drawer
Onan BF, BFA, BGA, BGAL 4.0
Onan BG
Onan BGA
Onan BGAL 4.0
Onan BGD
Onan BGE
Onan BGM
Onan CCK
Onan Emerald I
Onan Emerald III
Onan Emerald Plus 4000, 5000
Onan Emerald Plus 6300, 6500
Onan Marquis 5000
Onan Marquis 6500, 7000
Onan MCE
Onan NH
Onan NH Power Drawer
Onan NH, NHD, NHDL, NHE, NHEL, NHM Emerald series
Onan NHL
Orchard Machinery Corporation SE180 Aftershock Elevator
Parks Industries HP2000 with Perkins 2 cylinder engine
Perkins 104.19
Plymouth Acclaim L4 2.5 (1989 - 1990)
Plymouth Acclaim V6 3.0 (1989 - 1990)
Plymouth Breeze L4 2.0 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Breeze L4 2.4 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Caravelle L4 2.2 (1983 - 1988)
Plymouth Caravelle L4 2.5 (1986 - 1988)
Plymouth Expo L4 2.2 (1987 - 1989)
Plymouth Grand Voyager L4 2.4 (1996 - 1997)
Plymouth Grand Voyager L4 2.5 (1987 - 1988)
Plymouth Grand Voyager V6 3.0 (1987 - 1989)
Plymouth Grand Voyager V6 3.3 (1990 - 1990)
Plymouth Horizon L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Horizon L4 1.7 (1978 - 1983)
Plymouth Horizon L4 2.2 (1981 - 1990)
Plymouth Neon L4 2.0 (1995 - 2001)
Plymouth Reliant L4 2.2 (1981 - 1989)
Plymouth Reliant L4 2.5 (1986 - 1989)
Plymouth Scamp L4 2.2 (1983 - 1983)
Plymouth Sundance L4 2.2 (1987 - 1990)
Plymouth Sundance L4 2.5 (1988 - 1990)
Plymouth TC3 L4 1.7 (1980 - 1982)
Plymouth TC3 L4 2.2 (1981 - 1982)
Plymouth Turismo L4 1.6 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Turismo L4 1.7 (1983 - 1983)
Plymouth Turismo L4 2.2 (1983 - 1987)
Plymouth Turismo 2.2 L4 2.2 (1983 - 1986)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.2 (1984 - 1987)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.4 (1996 - 2000)
Plymouth Voyager L4 2.5 (1987 - 1990)
Plymouth Voyager V6 3.0 (1987 - 1990)
Pontiac Firefly L3 1.0 (1985 - 2000)
Pontiac Firefly L4 1.3 (1994 - 2000)
Pontiac Vibe L4 1.8 (2005 - 2005)
Power Cube HC5100 with Caterpillar 0.5 engine
Power Cube HC5128-IV with Caterpillar engine
Power Tech PT-7CSi, PT-8CSi, PT-10CSi, PT-12CSi with Caterpillar 3011 engine
PowerPac (Powertech) with Cat. CO.5 engine
Read RD-150B with John Deere 3179D engine
Read RD-25B, RD-40B with Lister TX2 engine
Read RD-40B with Lister TX2 engine
Read RD-90B, RD-95B with Lister TX3 engine
Read with M2000, with M2005 with Lister TX3 engine
Read with M3000, with M3500 with John Deere 3179D engine
Rosco Manufacturing Company RB48 Sprayer with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Saab 9-3 L4 2.0 (1999 - 2003)
Saab 9-3 L4 2.3 (1999 - 2002)
Saab 9-5 L4 2.3 (1999 - 2009)
Saab 9-5 V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Saab 900 L4 2.0 (1979 - 1998)
Saab 900 L4 2.1 (1991 - 1994)
Saab 900 L4 2.3 (1994 - 1998)
Saab 9000 L4 2.0 (1986 - 1990)
Saab 9000 L4 2.3 (1990 - 1998)
Saab 95 L3 0.8 (1961 - 1968)
Saab 95 V4 1.5 (1967 - 1970)
Saab 95 V4 1.7 (1971 - 1973)
Saab 96 L3 0.8 (1961 - 1968)
Saab 96 V4 1.5 (1967 - 1970)
Saab 96 V4 1.7 (1972 - 1973)
Saab 96 Sport L3 0.8 (1961 - 1965)
Saab 99 L4 1.7 (1969 - 1970)
Saab 99 L4 2.0 (1972 - 1980)
Saab Monte Carlo L3 0.8 (1965 - 1967)
Saab Monte Carlo V4 1.5 (1967 - 1967)
Saab Shrike L3 0.8 (1967 - 1968)
Saab Sonett L3 0.8 (1967 - 1968)
Saab Sonett V4 1.5 (1968 - 1969)
Saab Sonett V4 1.7 (1970 - 1974)
Sakai SV201 with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201D with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201T with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201TB with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV201TF with Cummins B3.3L engine
Sakai SV400 - 1 with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400D with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400T with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400TB with Cummins B3.3T engine
Sakai SV400TF with Cummins B3.3T engine
Saturn SC L4 1.9 (1991 - 1992)
Saturn SC1 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2002)
Saturn SC2 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2002)
Saturn SL L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SL1 L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SL2 L4 1.9 (1991 - 2002)
Saturn SW1 L4 1.9 (1993 - 1999)
Saturn SW2 L4 1.9 (1993 - 2001)
Seat Altea/XL, Freetrack 1.4 16V (5P1) with BUD engine 10/06 -
Seat Inca 1.4 16V (9KSF) with APE engine 4/00 - 2/04 (2000 - 2004)
Seat Inca 1.4I with AEX engine (1995 - 2004)
Simplicity Axion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 18.5 hp engine
Simplicity Axion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 20 & 24 hp engines
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 18 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Broadmoor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Champion with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Citation with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 21 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Citation with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 23 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Conquest with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 21 & 23 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity Land Lord with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 16 H.P & 18 hp engines
Simplicity Regent with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 20, 22 & 24 hp engines
Simplicity ZT 3000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 24 hp v-twin engine
Simplicity ZT 3000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Steiner Model 420 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin engine
Steiner Model 425 with Onan Performer P224G 24 hp Twin engine
Sullair 185 with Caterpillar C2.2 diesel engine
Suzuki Esteem L4 1.6 (1995 - 2001)
Suzuki Forsa L3 1.0 (1985 - 1988)
Suzuki SA310 L3 1.0 (1985 - 1985)
Suzuki Sidekick L4 1.6 (1995 - 1998)
Suzuki SJ410 L3 1.0 (1980 - 1982)
Suzuki SJ410 L4 1.0 (1983 - 1985)
Suzuki SJ413 L4 1.3 (1985 - 1985)
Suzuki Swift L3 1.0 (1992 - 1994)
Suzuki Swift L4 1.3 (1995 - 2000)
Suzuki Swift L4 1.6 (1992 - 1993)
Suzuki X-90 L4 1.6 (1996 - 1998)
Swinger 2K Loader with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Swinger 3K Loader with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Terex TH522C turbo with Cummins B3.3L turbo diesel engine
Toro 416H with Onan Performer P216G 16 hp Twin engine
Toro 520 with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp engine
Toro Wheel Horse tractor 73501520H with Onan Performer P220G 20 hp Twin
Toro ZX5000 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 22 hp v-twin engine
Toyota 02-2FDC20, 20-2FDC25 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD10 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD10 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD14 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD14 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD15 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD15 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD18 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FD18 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 02-5FG10 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG10 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG14 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG14 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG15 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG15 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG18 with Toyota 4P Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG18 with Toyota 5K Gasoline engine
Toyota 02-5FG20 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 02-5FG23 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 02-5FG25 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 42-5FG10 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota 42-5FG14, 42-5FG15, 42-5FG18, 42-5FG28, 42-5FG30 with Toyota 4Y
Gas engine
Toyota 42-5FG25 with Toyota 4Y engine
Toyota 42-6FGC25 with Toyota 4Y diesel engine
Toyota 42-6FGCU25 with Toyota 4Y diesel engine
Toyota 4FD20, 4FD23, 4FD25 with Toyota 2J diesel engine
Toyota 4Runner L4 2.4 (1984 - 1995)
Toyota 4Runner L4 2.7 (1996 - 2010)
Toyota 4Runner V6 3.0 (1988 - 1995)
Toyota 4Runner V6 3.4 (1996 - 2002)
Toyota 4Runner V6 4.0 (2003 - 2009)
Toyota 4Runner V8 4.7 (2003 - 2009)
Toyota 52 - 6FGCU45 with General Motors V6 - 4.3L engine
Toyota 5FGC10, 5FGC13, 5FGC15 with Toyota 4P engine
Toyota 5FGC10, 5FGC13, 5FGC15 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota 7FDU30 with Toyota 1DZ diesel engine
Toyota 7FGCU20 with Toyota 4Y Gas engine
Toyota Avalon V6 3.0 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Camry V6 2.5 (1988 - 1991)
Toyota Camry V6 3.0 (1992 - 2006)
Toyota Camry V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Toyota Celica L4 1.8 (2002 - 2002)
Toyota Celica L4 2.0 (1988 - 1989)
Toyota Celica L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Celica L4 2.4 (1981 - 1985)
Toyota Celica L6 2.6 (1979 - 1980)
Toyota Celica L6 2.8 (1981 - 1986)
Toyota Corona L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Corona L4 2.4 (1981 - 1982)
Toyota Cressida L6 2.6 (1978 - 1980)
Toyota Cressida L6 2.8 (1981 - 1988)
Toyota Cressida L6 3.0 (1989 - 1992)
Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 4.0 (2007 - 2009)
Toyota Hiace with 2.0 1RZ engine (1989 - 1995)
Toyota Hiace with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Hiace IV with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Hiace IV 4WD with 2.4 2RZE engine (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Highlander V6 3.0 (2001 - 2003)
Toyota Highlander V6 3.3 (2004 - 2010)
Toyota Land Cruiser L6 4.5 (1996 - 1997)
Toyota Land Cruiser V8 4.7 (1998 - 2007)
Toyota Pickup L4 2.2 (1977 - 1980)
Toyota Pickup L4 2.4 (1981 - 1995)
Toyota Pickup V6 3.0 (1988 - 1995)
Toyota Previa L4 2.4 (1991 - 1997)
Toyota Sequoia V8 4.7 (2001 - 2009)
Toyota Sienna V6 3.0 (1998 - 2003)
Toyota Sienna V6 3.3 (2004 - 2006)
Toyota Solara V6 3.0 (1999 - 2003)
Toyota Solara V6 3.3 (2004 - 2008)
Toyota Supra L6 3.0 (1986 - 1998)
Toyota T100 L4 2.7 (1994 - 1998)
Toyota T100 V6 3.0 (1993 - 1994)
Toyota T100 V6 3.4 (1995 - 1998)
Toyota Tacoma L4 2.4 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Tacoma L4 2.7 (1995 - 2017)
Toyota Tacoma V6 3.4 (1995 - 2004)
Toyota Tacoma V6 4.0 (2005 - 2015)
Toyota Tundra V6 3.4 (2000 - 2004)
Toyota Tundra V6 4.0 (2005 - 2011)
Toyota Tundra V8 4.7 (2000 - 2009)
Universal M15
Vermeer BC1000XL Chipper with Cummins B3.3L turbo diesel engine
Vermeer BC1200XL with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Vermeer HG200 horizontal Grinder with Cummins B3.3L diesel engine
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AEX engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AKV engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 APQ engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AUA engine (2000 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.4 AUD engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.6 1F engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Caddy II with 1.6 AEE engine (1995 - 2004)
Volkswagen Jetta L4 1.4 (2013 - 2017)
Volkswagen Routan V6 3.8 (2009 - 2010)
Volvo Penta 2001
Volvo Penta 2001B
Volvo Penta 2002
Volvo Penta 2002B
Volvo Penta 2003
Volvo Penta 2003B
Volvo Penta 2003T
Volvo Penta 2003TB
Volvo Penta AQD2B
Volvo Penta HS1
Volvo Penta HS1A
Volvo Penta MD1
Volvo Penta MD11C
Volvo Penta MD11D
Volvo Penta MD17C
Volvo Penta MD17D
Volvo Penta MD1B
Volvo Penta MD2
Volvo Penta MD2B
Volvo Penta MD3
Volvo Penta MD3B
Volvo Penta MD5
Volvo Penta MD5A
Volvo Penta MD5B
Volvo Penta MD5C
Volvo Penta MD6
Volvo Penta MD6A
Volvo Penta MD6B
Volvo Penta MD7
Volvo Penta MD7A
Volvo Penta MD7B
White lawn tractor with Briggs and Stratton Vanguard 18 hp v-twin engine
White ZT42 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 18.5 hp engine
White ZT50 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 20 hp v-twin engine
White ZT54 with Briggs and Stratton ELS 26 hp v-twin engine
Winpower TD14L4-J, TDR9L4-J with Lister ST-2 engine
Yamaha F150 DOHC 4-stroke (2004 - 2017)
Yamaha F175 EFI DOHC 4-stroke (2014 - 2017)
Yamaha F200 DOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2017)
Yamaha F225 DOHC 4-stroke (2002 - 2009)
Yamaha F250 EFI DOHC 4-stroke (2005 - 2006)
Yamaha VF150 VMAX SHO 4-stroke (2014 - 2017)
Yamaha VF175 VMAX SHO 4-stroke (2015 - 2017)
Yugo Cabrio L4 1.3 (1990 - 1992)
Yugo GV L4 1.1 (1986 - 1989)
Yugo GV L4 1.3 (1990 - 1992)
Yugo GVL L4 1.1 (1988 - 1989)
Yugo GVS L4 1.1 (1988 - 1988)
Yugo GVX L4 1.3 (1987 - 1989)
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