Tecumseh Air Filters

Tecumseh Engines

30727 Air Filter  AH600, AV600, H22, H25, H30, H35, H40, H50, H60, H70, HH60, HH70, HS40, HS50, LAV40, LAV50, TVM125, TVM140, TVS105, TVS120, V40, V50, V60, V70, VH40, VH50, VH60  

30804 Air Filter  H40, H50, H60, H70  

31700 Air Filter  H30, H35, H50, H70, HH60, HS40, HS50, TVM140  

31925 Air Filter  HH80, HH100, HH120, VH80, VH100  

32008 Air Filter  HH100, HH120, OH140  

32972 Air Filter  H30, H35, LAV30, LAV35, LAV40, LAV50, ECH90, ECV100, ECV120, TC200  

33006 Air Filter  LAV50, TVS75, TVS90, TVS120, TVS150, TVS105, TVXL105  

33268 Air Filter  HM70, HM80, HXL840, TVM195  

33631 Air Filter  V40, V50, V60, V70, V80, VH40, VH50, VH60, VM70, VM80, VM100, TVM  

33896 Air Filter  TNT100, TNT120, TVS100  

34340 Air Filter  LEV100, OVRM55, TVS75, TVS90, TVS105, TVS120, TVXL105  

34700B Air Filter  HM70, HM100  

34782 / 34782A / 34782B Air Filter  H50, H60, HH60, HH70, TVS105, TVS115, TVS120, TVS840, TVXL105, TVXL840  

34910 Air Filter  OVM120, Some TVM models  

35066 Air Filter  ECV100, LEV90, LEV100, LEV115, OVRM60, TC300  

35102 Air Filter  TVS90, TVS105, TVXL105  

35403 Air Filter  TVM195, TVM220, TVXL195, TVXL220  

35500 Air Filter  EC100, ECV100, OVRM40, OVRM50, OVRM60, OVRM65, OVRM105, OVRM120, TVS90, TVS100, TVS105, TVS115, TVXL115  

35604 Air Filter  TVS75, TVS90, TVXL105  

36046 Air Filter  OH95, OHH45, VLV50, VLV55, VLV60, VLV66, VLV126  

36356 Air Filter  OHV16, OHV17, OHV110, OHV115, OHV125, OHV130, OHV150, OHV155, OHV165, OHV175  

36745 Air Filter  LEV115, LEV120, OVRM60, OVRM105, TVS90  

36905 Air Filter  LEV100, LEV115, LEV120, LV195EA, OVRM65, OVRM105, OVRM120  

37116 Air Filter  LEV, OVRM105, TVS  

37360 Air Filter  OV691EA, OV691EP, TVT69, VTX691  

37452 Air Filter  OH318, OHM  

450247 Air Filter  TVXL840, TVS840  

450248 Air Filter  TVS840  

Tecumseh air filters are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials. The most common materials used in construction are molded foam filters, pleated paper cartridge style filters and tubular air filters with pleated paper elements. Most cartridge style air filters have an outer molded rubber seal and wire mesh backing to support the filter element. Tubular style filters also come in oblong shapes and again incorporate rubber seals and wire mesh supports. Molded foam air filters are often soaked in oil to increase the ability of the filter to capture dirt particles. Foam pre-filters however should not be soaked in oil.

To identify the correct air filter for your Tecumseh engine, refer to the illustrated parts list for your model in our parts look up section. It should also be noted that many Tecumseh engine models use different air filter styles depending on specification number, so visual comparison with your old filter is also recommended.