Tecumseh Carburetor Rebuild Kits and Parts

Tecumseh Engines

Find Tecumseh carburetor parts by OEM part number in the carburetor parts list below.

31390 / 30359 / 29155 / 29157 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H22 to H70, HH40 to HH70, L series, LAV series, LV series, TV series, V40 to V55, VH80, VH100

31840 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H22 to H70, HH40 to HH70, HS40, HS50, HSK35, HSK60, HXL35, LAV35, LAV40, TVXL105, V50 to V70, VH70

630932A Needle Valve Assembly  AH600, AV520, AV600, H22 thru H25, H30, H35, HS40, HSK30, HSK600, LAV30, TV085, TVM140, TVS90, TVS600, V50, V60

630978 Diaphragm Kit  AV520, H30, LAV40, LAV1400, LAV1500

631021 / 631021A / 631021B Float Needle Valve Kit  H30, HMSK, HSSK, LEV models, LH models, LV models, OHH, OH195, OHM120, OVRM120, V40, V50, V60, VM80, VM100

631029 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H25, H30, LAV35, V40 to V70, VH40 to VH70, OVRM60

631781 Adjustment Screw  HM70, H80, HM80

631782 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H25 to H70, HM40 to HM70, HS, LAV25 to LAV35, V, VH50 to VH70

631839 / 631584 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H25 to H70, HM40 to HM70, HS, LAV25 to LAV35, V, VH50 to VH70

631893 / 631892 / 631131 / 630974 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  AH600, AV520, AV600, H22 to H35, HS 40, LAV30, LAV40, TVS600, TVS1400, TVS1500

631978 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  H80, HH100, HM, VM

632347 Carburetor Rebuild Kit  HH100, HHM80, HM70 to HM100, HMSK, OHV125, OVM120, OXVL120, TVM170, TVM195, TVM220, TVXL195, TVXL220

632551 / 632709 Float Needle Valve Kit  OH318, OHM,OHV, OV, TVT, VLV, VTX

632760B Carburetor Rebuild Kit  HMSK, HSK845, HSK850, HSSK, LEV, LH, LV, OH195, OHM129

730637 / 730637A Bowl Kit  VLV50, VLV55, VLV60, VLV65, VLV66, VLV126

730638 Bowl Kit  OHV110, OHV115, OHV120, OHV130, OV358

730639 Bowl Kit  OHV14, OHV15, OHV16, OHV17, OHV135, OHV140, OHV145, OHV150, OHV155, OHV160, OHV165, OHV170, OHV175

730649 Bowl Kit  OH318, OHM, OV691, TVT

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Like all internal combustion engines, the carburetor on your Tecumseh engine plays an important role in engine performance. For proper operation it is important that your carburetor be kept free from foreign substances such as dirt and water. Proper storage of your equipment along with regular replacement of the air and fuel filters will improve the performance of the carburetor and in turn your Tecumseh engine.

The most common style carburetor found on Tecumseh engines is the float style carburetor which is easily identified by the bowl under the carburetor body. There are also however, a number of models that used diaphragm pumps in place of the float bowl concept. The diaphragm style carburetor has the advantage of being able to operate at greater angles than float style carburetors which need to remain at a near upright position.

Identifying the carburetor model on your Tecumseh engine can be complicated; however it is essential for purchasing the proper parts and/or repair kit. Using the parts look up section on our site, along with visual comparison, will help identify the proper Tecumseh carburetor parts and repair kit for your engine model.