Tecumseh Miscellaneous Parts

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Tecumseh Engines

Find Tecumseh small engine parts by OEM part number in the small engine parts list below.

27625 / 740079 Oil Plug  H, HH, HM, HS, HSSK, HT35, HXL35, LAV, LEV, LH195, LV148, OH, OHH, OHSK, TVM, TVS, TVXL90, V, VH, VM  

34279 / 34279A / 34279B Fuel Filter  HM80, HM90, HM100, OHV125, OVM120, OVXL120, TVM195, TVM220, TVXL220 and others  

35062 Snow thrower ignition key - Most Tecumseh snow blower engines  

590387 Lawnmower Starter Handle  

590574 Snow thrower Starter Handle